

作者: 宠辱不惊的中年少女 | 来源:发表于2018-11-16 15:53 被阅读98次

④ The government suspension, which began in March without explanation, had been expected to ease in the autumn. Analysts now assume that Tencent will need to tough it out until the second half of 2019. Even once game approvals start up again, the government has said that their number will be limited. To allay Communist Party concerns about the mental and physical health of young gamers, Tencent is also having to curb gaming time and set up a system of user-identity checks.


这里承接上一段,继续说政府的“网游禁令”,该禁令是从今年三月开始,预计到秋天有所缓解,这里的 without explanation 体现出该禁令的强制性,也与下文提到的 capricious regulators 有暗合之处。分析者认为腾讯要忍耐到2019年下半年。即便游戏准入放开,政府也会限制数量。腾讯为缓解党和国家对青少年玩家身心健康的担忧,不得不对游戏时间设限并建立用户身份核查系统。

tough it out,非正式、口语化的,表示“渡过难关,挺过去,坚持到底”,endure a period of hardship or difficulty. 


We have to tough it out until we pull through.  

allay,动词,意思是“减轻,缓和”,常用来表示“消除/减轻(某人的)恐惧/担忧/疑虑等”,惯用搭配“allay (sb’s) fear/doubt/concern/suspicion”,if you allay someone's fears or doubts, you make them feel less afraid, worried or suspicious.


The president made a statement to allay public anxiety. 

curb,动词,意思是“控制,抑制,约束”,to control or limit something in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect,另外curb做名词还有“马路牙子”、“勒马绳”的意思,与“控制”也有异曲同工之妙。


There are several measures to curb the spread of the virus.


government suspension,网游禁令,国家新闻出版总署实施网络游戏总数监管,限制批准发布新游戏的许可,以及新游戏上市的总量,建立和探索适合年龄的提醒系统,并采取措施限制未成年人的使用时间。该倡议是反对青少年游戏和网瘾活动的一部分。

⑤ Capricious regulators may not be wholly to blame for the slowdown in online games, says Steve Chow of Agricultural Bank of China International (ABCI), a Chinese investment bank. Users may simply be spending less time on Tencent’s online entertainment, as other players eat into its market share. For its flagship game, “Honour of Kings”, for example, the average number of daily active users has dropped by a fifth in the past year or so, to 54m in September.



capricious,意思是“反复无常的,任性的”,这里体现监管者在制定政策上的“变化无常”,与上文的 without explanation 呼应,也有“出尔反尔”的感觉,likely to change their mind suddenly or unexpectedly.


She was as capricious as her mother had been. (脑补“作女”形象...有其母必有其女 like mother, like daughter)。

slowdown,意思是“减少,减速”,常搭配介词“in”,a reduction in activity or speed.

比如我们想表达, 美国经济的放缓,就可以这么说:

a slowdown in the US economy

比如我们想表达, 在经济增长方面一直存在急剧的减速,就可以这么说:

There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth. 

eat into,本义是“侵蚀”,erode or destroy something gradually,这里是指其他竞争者“吃掉了”腾讯的市场份额。


The startups face challenges of trying to eat into Google’s big lead in Web search. 

比如我们想表达, 投资者曾担心谷歌不断增加开支将侵蚀利润率,就可以这么说:

Investors had feared Google's ever-increasing spending would eat into margins.

比如我们想表达, 这种情况正在开始消耗最大贷款方们的现金流,就可以这么说:

That’s starting to eat into cash flow at the biggest lenders. 

flagship,本义就是“旗舰”,the most important ship in a fleet of ships, especially the one on which the commander of the fleet is sailing,这里是指“王牌产品”,the best and most important product, building etc that a company owns or produces.

比如我们想表达, 新款福特汽车系列中的旗舰产品,就可以这么说:

the flagship of the new Ford range 

比如我们想表达, 该公司刚在拉斯维加斯开了一家旗舰店,就可以这么说:

The firm has just opened a flagship store in Las Vegas. 


Honour of Kings,《王者荣耀》,是由腾讯游戏开发运营的一款手机平台多人在线战术竞技游戏,于2015年11月26日正式公测,游戏中的玩法以竞技对战为主,玩家之间进行1V1、3V3、5V5等多种方式对战,还可以参加游戏的冒险模式。


Agricultural Bank of China International (ABCI) ,农银国际控股有限公司(简称“农银国际”),是中国农业银行股份有限公司(简称“中国农业银行”)的全资附属机构,于2009年11月在香港成立,注册资本近30亿港元,作为中国农业银行开展投行业务的专业平台,主要从事直接投资、企业融资、证券经纪、资产管理(筹备中)等全方位的投资银行服务。


⑥ For skittish investors, all this has concentrated minds on whether the giant can maintain its momentum as it enters its third decade. Most agree that gaming will remain an important part of the company, but not its chief driver of revenue growth.



skittish,形容词,本义指动物尤其是马“易激动的,易受惊的”,指人是“轻浮的,善变的”,引申含义指购买股票者“紧张不安的,担心股价下跌的”,同义词 jittery,if people who buy shares are skittish, they are nervous and worried about them dropping in value, and might sell the shares that they own because of this.


Some skittish Wall Street investors are staying away from the market. 


In China, everyone is talking about inflation. Prices for food, raw materials and other commodities are rising, and that's making people skittish. 


European stocks are generally down again as energy shares made investors skittish.  

momentum, 本义是“动量”,这里表示“动力,势头”,the ability to keep increasing, developing, or being more successful.


This year was about maintaining that momentum, across all segments and among all sizes. 


No one wants this momentum to stall.  

Most agree that gaming will remain an important part of the company, but not its chief driver of revenue growth,这句话的句型可以直接用来仿写。想表达公司的某一块业务虽然很重要但已不是收入增长的主要动力,就可以这么说:

Risk management will remain an important part of our company, but not our chief driver of revenue growth. (我们公司的风险管理业务板块虽然很重要但已不是收入增长的主要动力。)



