TED21天团-预习-15-The surprising hab

TED21天团-预习-15-The surprising hab

作者: DE8UG | 来源:发表于2017-05-19 01:22 被阅读74次

    Day15-The surprising habits of original thinkers

    • 感谢:王秒,新生大学,TED
    • 编辑:第8哥,转载请注明出处,保留此段文字。
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    单词  词性  解释
    disrupt v.  扰乱,打乱
    original    n.  有独创性的人
    nonconformist   n.  不墨守成规的人
    precrastinator  n.  提早症患者(与拖延症相反)
    Nintendo    n.  〔日语〕任天堂〔游戏公司〕
    chronic adj.    重度的,严重的
    goof off        混日子
    on the flip side        反过来说
    frenzy  n.  狂暴
    dangling    v.  用某事物诱惑
    incubate    v.  酝酿,逐渐发展
    divergent   adj.    发散的
    nonlinear   adj.    非线性的
    meta-   pref.   (前缀)变化,变换
    agony   n.  痛苦,苦恼
    optics  n.  光学
    drag one's heels    v.  磨磨蹭蹭,拖拖拉拉
    MLK n.  马丁路德金
    good    adj.    可靠的,充分的
    déjà vu     (法语)似曾相识
    vuja de     (法语)识相曾似
    Elon Musk   n.  特斯拉首席执行官:艾隆马斯克
    let alone       更不必说
    sheer   adj 强调事物的大小、程度或数量
    churn out   v.  大量生产
    Bach    n.  巴赫(德国作曲家)
    Beethoven   n.  贝多芬(德国作曲家)
    Mozart  n.  莫扎特(奥地利作曲家)


    1. “Not exactly. We've all lined up backup jobs.”
    2. So the first reason that I passed on Warby Parker was they were really slow getting off the ground.
    3. Since then, I have traded hair for teeth.
    4. It was agony.
    5. Take Leonardo da Vinci.
    6. They know that in the long run, our biggest regrets are not our actions but our inactions.
    7. He was sure the first few SpaceX launches would fail to make it to orbit, let alone get back, but it was too important not to try.
    8. Don't write them off.


    1. 语音作业(必做)

    今天主要练习英语里的外来语发音和节奏(位置:11:15) 。不认识的单词一定要查带发音的字典。

    Vuja de is when you look at something you've seen many times before and all of a sudden see it with fresh eyes. It's a screenwriter who looks at a movie script that can't get the green light for more than half a century. In every past version, the main character has been an evil queen. But Jennifer Lee starts to question whether that makes sense. She rewrites the first act, reinvents the villain as a tortured hero and Frozen becomes the most successful animated movie ever. So there's a simple message from this story. When you feel doubt, don't let it go.

    1. 大脑升级作业(选做)


    ** 总目录:**




          本文标题:TED21天团-预习-15-The surprising hab
