- TED21天团-预习-20-Falling in love is
- TED21天团-预习-18-The transformative
- 21天,带你征服TED、征服听力、征服口语 | 现在万事具备,只
- TED21天团-预习-16-the art of misdire
- TED21天团-预习-19-The power of belie
- TED21天团-预习-09-Are you a giver or
- TED21天团-预习-10-Forget the pecking
- TED21天团-预习-14-Inside the mind of
- TED21天团-预习-15-The surprising hab
- TED21天团-预习-07-10 ways to have a
Day20-Falling in love is the easy part
- 感谢:王秒,新生大学,TED
- 编辑:第8哥,转载请注明出处,保留此段文字。
- 来源: 新生大学-21天英语精炼
单词 词性 解释
procedure n. 过程,步骤
increasingly adv. 渐增地
quality n. 品质
skeptical adj. 怀疑的
manufacturing v. 制造
intrigued adj. 好奇的
view n. 观看
traffic n. 访问量(博客)
Today Show n. 《今日秀》(美国晨间新闻和脱口秀节目)
Good Morning America n. 《早安美国》(美国广播公司早间节目的名称)
scope n. (活动、影响等的)范围
inadvertent adj. 随意的,疏忽的
fling n. 昙花一现,一时冲动的短暂性关系
sustainable adj. 可持续的
worthwhile adj. 有价值的,有意义的
escalate v. 逐步上升、增强、扩大
reciprocal adj. 双方的,相互的
self-disclosure n. 自我剖析
subsequent adj. 随后的,后来的
protocol n. 模式,原则(社交)
intimacy n. 亲密
inoculate v. 使免疫,规避
in retrospect 回顾往事
guarantee n. 保证,保障
indefinitely adv. 无限期地
mitigate v. 缓和,减轻
content adj. 满足的,足够的
deserve v. 值得,应得
creep v. 出现,产生
acquaintance n. 熟人
cringe v. 觉得难为情
- They really do get more personal as they go along.
- But as it turned out, I had no idea.
- This had happened to the traffic on my blog.
- I promptly turned bright red.
- I understand that this is part of the deal.
- It's just a fling.
- The 36 questions seem to have taken on a life of their own.
- What I want from love is a guarantee, not just that I am loved today and that I will be loved tomorrow, but that I will continue to be loved by the person I love indefinitely.
- Love didn't happen to us. We're in love because we each made the choice to be.
- 语音作业(必做)
今天主要练习讲故事(位置:7:37),注意停顿,60秒录不完整没有关系。 不认识的单词一定要查带发音的字典。
A few months ago, I was giving a talk at a small liberal arts college, and a student came up to me afterwards and he said, kind of shyly, "So, I tried your study, and it didn't work." He seemed a little mystified by this. "You mean, you didn't fall in love with the person you did it with?" I asked.
"Well..." He paused. "I think she just wants to be friends."
"But did you become better friends?" I asked. "Did you feel like you got to really know each other after doing the study?" He nodded.
"So, then it worked," I said.
I don't think this is the answer he was looking for. In fact, I don't think this is the answer that any of us are looking for when it comes to love.
- 延伸学习作业(必做)
找到演讲者 Mandy Len Catron 提到的 36 个问题,全部浏览一遍。
** 总目录:**
- TED21天团-预习-01-How to get better at the things you care about
- TED21天团-预习-02-5 techniques to speak any language
- TED21天团-预习-03-What I learned from 100 days of rejection
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- TED21天团-预习-05-5 ways to listen better
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- TED21天团-预习-07-10 ways to have a better conversation
- TED21天团-预习-08-Animal tales from icy wonderlands
- TED21天团-预习-09-Are you a giver or a taker?
- TED21天团-预习-10-Forget the pecking order at work
- TED21天团-预习-11-How to make stress your friend
- TED21天团-预习-12-Your body is my canvas
- TED21天团-预习-13-Nature. Beauty. Gratitude.
- TED21天团-预习-14-Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
- TED21天团-预习-15-The surprising habits of original thinkers
- TED21天团-预习-16-the art of misdirection
- TED21天团-预习-17-Teach girls bravery, not perfection
- TED21天团-预习-18-The transformative power of classical music
- TED21天团-预习-19-The power of believing that you can improve
- TED21天团-预习-20-Falling in love is the easy part
- TED21天团-预习-21-What makes a good life?