

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-05-04 17:31 被阅读0次

They are huge and ancient trees. Most likely to be found in California – like these sequoias in Yosemite National Park. But if you wait, you are going to have to be patient here, you may start to see some growing further afield in parts of the UK.


Nelli Bird, BBC correspondent

And this is what they look like when they start off – so tiny compared to what they'll turn into. And already, nearly 500 of these trees have been planted here on this land, just outside Brecon [in Wales].

内利·伯德      BBC通讯员


Henry Emson is the man behind the One Life One Tree project.

亨利·埃姆森是 “一生一树” 项目背后的灵魂人物。

Henry Emson, Founder2, One Life One Tree project

The idea came about when I was looking at my children's carbon footprint and I wanted to get a head start for them on how they could offset3 before they started to hit adulthood4, and I came across an artic


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