

作者: 学英语的那些事 | 来源:发表于2017-08-16 15:39 被阅读30次

1.You can openly gossip in public because most people can’t understandwhat you’re saying.


2. You sound hella cultured and worldly when you speak anotherlanguage.


3. Even when you’re saying something mundane, it sounds so much moreeloquent than it would in English.


4. You actually enjoy watching foreign films because you don’t have todeal with those annoying subtitles.Not to mention those subtitles don’t even dothe movie justice.


5. You can travel to a foreign country and have no problem gettingaround because you understand the language there.None of that amateur touristshit for you, honey.

5. 没有语言障碍的你可以轻轻松松到国外旅游啦。亲~那些业余观光客不会再取笑你了!

6. And the locals will think you’re très cool because you can chat itup with them in their native tongue.

6. 当地人也会觉得你超酷哦,因为你可以用当地语言跟他们聊天呢~

7. You can sing along to foreign songs and actually understand all thelyrics.

7. 演唱外国歌曲时,你完全理解自己在唱的歌词耶~

8. Being bilingual totally gives you bonus points on the hotness scale.

8. 精通两门语言一定为你的人气加分不少哦~

9. And even dirty talk sounds romantic in a foreign language.It justhas that je-ne-sais-quoi.

9. 用外语说脏话都显得更浪漫。有种懵懵懂懂,貌似咱也不是很清楚意思的赶脚~

10. Studying abroad is all fun and games when you’re bilingual becauseyou don’t have to deal with a language barrier.

10. 如果你在国外留学,那么精通外语的你就不需要应付任何语言障碍了,尽情滴玩耍吧~

11. You can sign up for college classes in your language for an easyGPA boost.

11. 你可以用你精通的语言申请大学,这有助于提高GPA成绩哦~

12. Mentioning you’re bilingual on your resumé is a major plus whenapplying to jobs.

12. 在简历中提及自己是双语人才可是能为找工作大大加分。

13. You’re pretty much guaranteed a side job tutoring because there’salways someone trying to learn your linguistic ways.

13. 不怕赚不到外快咯~总有那么些人想要学习你所精通的这门语言,兼职辅导他们可是一笔收入哦~

14. Cursing in another language is a great way to let out yourfrustrations, and it’s family-friendly as far as anyone else can tell.

14. 用外语咒骂是疏缓受挫心理的好方法,也是适合维持家庭和睦的一种发泄方式。

15. When you go to certain restaurants you can pronounce the menu itemswith the proper accent and impress your date.

15. 约会吃饭时,你可以准确地用外语读出菜单上的菜名,这可是加分项哦,可以让你的约会对象对你印象深刻。

16. You instantly befriend anyone you meet who speaks your lingo.

16. 当碰到跟你同样精通某种外语的人时,你立马就可以跟他们打成一片,成为朋友啦。

17. When people assume you’re ridiculously smart becauseyou speak another language, you don’t deny it.

17. 当别人夸你特别聪明,会讲外语时,你自己都无可否认。

18. Your friends always look to you as the all mighty language gurulike you’re the royal highness Rosetta Stone.YOU HAVE SO MUCH POWER.

18. 朋友们都认为你是个语言专家,罗赛达石般的存在。好有威信有木有~

19. And you can always have some fun of your own and teach them badwords without telling them。And see how long it takes them to figure it out.

19. 你可以用自己精通的外语找乐子啦,比如教朋友说脏话并且不告诉他们真正的意思,看看你的朋友要多久才能搞清楚自己被耍啦,哈哈~

20. If you’re feeling really sneaky, you can keep your bilingualism asecret to eavesdrop on conversations in your language.

20. 如果你觉得偷听别人说话看上去鬼鬼祟祟的,那你可以假装听不懂他们的语言,然后光明正大地听别人的对话啦。




