

作者: yanxinyu | 来源:发表于2018-08-02 20:42 被阅读0次


EIF Publication history Publisher Frequency Impact factor
Randi Martin,Manos Tsakiris, John Wagemans 1975-present Elsevier Bimonthly 3.354
  • 主编简介1:美国人,毕业于俄勒冈大学,主修数学与心理学;博士毕业于霍普金斯大学,关注定量心理学(quantitative psychology)和认知,随后在该学校完成博士后,开始其在语言的认知神经心理学的研究,现任教于Rice University,心理学院。 Her research encompasses word and sentence comprehension and production, the nature of working memory and executive function, semantic representations and semantic access, speech perception, reading, and neural changes supporting language recovery following stroke. (词与句子的理解与产生,工作记忆与执行功能,语义表达,词汇通达......)
  • 主编简介2:英国人,现任伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院心理学院教授。His research is highly interdisciplinary and uses a wide range of methods to investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms that shape the experience of embodiment and self-identity.
  • 主编简介3:比利时人,本科到博士均就读于University of Leuven(比利时卢汶大学),在吉尼佛尼亚大学的Michael Kubovy实验室攻读一年博士后。His main interests are in visual perception, especially in perceptual organization, shape perception, object perception and scene perception, with significant side interests in visual arts, visual perception in clinical populations (mainly autism, schizophrenia, and cerebral visual impairments), and sports (e.g. judgment of offside in soccer).

Part1 Basic Information of Cognition

  • Scope:Cognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from biological and experimental studies to formal analysis. Contributions from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, ethology(动物行为学) and philosophy are welcome in this journal provided that they have some bearing on the functioning of the mind. In addition, the journal serves as a forum for discussion of social and political aspects of cognitive science.
  • Type:
    Full theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind
    Brief articles reporting original empirical findings, major theoretical advances or crucial developments that warrant rapid communication to the scientific community
    Proposals for special issues on a new and important area in the field

Part2 Style and format for target articles

  • Structure order: Title - Authors - Affiliation - Abstract - Keywords - Main text - Acknowledgement - Appendix - References.
  • Words: No limited
  • Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'
  • This journal has an embargo period of 12 months.
  • Duration:
    Full articles within three months on the advice of at least two reviewers
    Brief articles within six to eight weeks.
  • New submissions:you should include Figures and Tables in the main text, close to the point at which they are referred to in the manuscript (corresponding to where you would expect to see the Figure or Table in the published version of the manuscript
  • Image size: Please provide an image with a minimum of 531 × 1328 pixels (h × w) or proportionally more. The image should be readable at a size of 5 × 13 cm using a regular screen resolution of 96 dpi. Preferred file types: TIFF, EPS, PDF or MS Office files.
  • For color reproduction in print, you will receive information regarding the costs from Elsevier after receipt of your accepted article.
  • References:There are no strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent.

Part3 Reading and Analysis

  • 2018年至今,发表文章共209篇,其中与Emotion有关的文献6篇(约3%),均为实证研究。
  • 2017年共发表文章236篇,其中与Emotion有关的文献19篇(约8%)。
    1.Musical friends and foes: The social cognition of affiliation and control in improvised interactions
    2.Venturing into the uncanny valley of mind: The influence of mind attribution on the acceptance of human-like characters in a virtual reality setting
    3.Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory
    4.Pragmatic development explains the Theory-of-Mind Scale
    5.Preparing for what might happen: An episodic specificity induction impacts the generation of alternative future events
    6.Surprise! 20-month-old infants understand the emotional consequences of false beliefs
    7.The grammar of anger: Mapping the computational architecture of a recalibrational emotion
    8.Moral vindications
    9.Developmental changes in the critical information used for facial expression processing
    10.Seeing the world through others' minds: Inferring social context from behaviour
    11.Effects of semantic neighborhood density in abstract and concrete words
    12.Learning from moral inconsistency
    13.The means/side-effect distinction in moral cognition: A meta-analysis
    14.Typical integration of emotion cues from bodies and faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15.Categorization-based stranger avoidance does not explain the uncanny valley effect
    16.No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention
    17.Emotion-based learning systems and the development of morality
    18.Emotional processing is enhanced in peri-hand space
    19.Own attractiveness and perceived relationship quality shape sensitivity in women's memory for other men on the attractiveness dimension
  • 2010年至今,一共发表与Emotion有关的文章共计104篇。
    Paper selected
    Xie,W.Z.,& Zhang,W.W.(2017)Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory



