Analogy as the Core of Cognition

Analogy as the Core of Cognition

作者: 涤非 | 来源:发表于2017-08-15 13:38 被阅读0次

里面定义,analogy-making = the perception of common essence between 2 things

the essence is the essence that you perceive at the particular time in the frame of mind that you happen to be in, 2 things mean 2 mental representations which we project to external things


同时还想到,有时候,当我在看数学定理、文学作品里某一句话时,我可能处在半醒状态,而在这个状态我很容易走神,有时候迷迷糊糊时会把定理或者一句话给模拟成一件事,这成了我去理解它们的一个方法,而且还在模拟过程中觉得两者简直就是一个意思,很make sense。而就在我想通了觉得很愉悦的时候,我通常会醒过来,然后就想不起来具体内容了,只记得很make sense。通常梦里的事是直接去理解定理或那句话,有时候也会是仿造一个类似的东西。记得有一次,我在看莎士比亚的《哈姆莱特》剧本中途决定小睡一会儿,睡着时就梦到有两个人,跟剧本人物完全无关,却在模仿哈姆莱特讲话。剧本里,哈姆莱特装疯,跟人疯言疯语,我梦里的两个人也是疯言疯语,我还很有兴致地听,觉得他们讲话巧妙又跳跃,跟哈姆莱特似的。这也让人想到了王朔在电影《小说》里提到过的,他好像也是阅读的时候做梦梦见了很精妙句子。而同样,大家一醒来,就怎么也想不起来完整的了。我依稀记得某次梦里出现曾过的半个句子:“当燃着的夏日之乐……”,后面接的是什么,我怎么也想不起来。

There is no fundamental difference between a single memory trace and a category (concept).

There is no fundamental difference between primordial tangible concepts and highly-chunked abstract concepts.

multi-dimensional semantic space for word selection

pronunciation distortion: every word has a subterranean fight going on inside it (for better analogy)

Thought is the highest level of abstraction putting one's finger on the essence of a situation and then bouncing back back and forth between the actual situation and the essence that when found in one's memories. 




      本文标题:Analogy as the Core of Cognition
