阳光透过窗户,懒懒的洒向地板,她坐在沙发上,正在读着三毛的《万水千山走遍》,音乐绕着卧室舒缓流畅,这时《Wonderful Tonight 》响起。她翻动书页的手突然停住,抬头望向窗外。
It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushed her long blond hair
And then she asks me
Do I look alright
And I say
Yes ,you look wonderful tonight
We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
She walking around with me
And then she asks me
Do you feel alright?
And I say
Yes , I feel wonderful tonight
I feel wonderful
Because I see
The love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
That you just don't realize
How much I love you
It's time to go home now
I've got aching head
So I give her the car key
And she helps me to bed
And then I tell her
Ad I turn off the light
I said my daring
You are wonderful tonight
Oh my darling
You are wonderful tonight
她第一次听到这首歌,是在老友记Chandler 向莫妮卡求婚的时候。那时候跟着剧情哭哭笑笑,并没有倾注任何注意到这首歌上,只觉很好听。
她坐在梳妆台前面,一一精心打扮,而他盛装站在一旁,注视着她,满眼柔情。他们受邀去参加一个朋友的party.她涂好口红然后转向他问到:Do I look good ?眼里带着小小期待。他回答:you are wonderful.
她眼里闪过一道光亮,内心甜蜜。她挽着他,来到party 。她的光彩照人让很多男人对他投来欣羡的目光。他看着她眼里对他的爱意,他知道他比她想象的要更爱她 。
Party 接近尾声,他突然有些不适,头开始痛。她担心的接过车钥匙,一边开车一边时不时的看向他。
回到家,她收拾整理好。扶他上床睡觉,她正要走开,他拉住她:My dear , you are wonderful tonight .