

作者: 沧海桑田沧海一粟 | 来源:发表于2018-01-11 04:32 被阅读0次

Because I attended two-stage class for learning and I felt I have  a little improvement for pronouciation, as well as another important thing is that I like this learning  way : pay the fee and check in everyday, so that's easy to make a good habbit for learning everyday. So I joined the third-stage learning .

During the studying, I found do summary is more important , although practice is most important in  lanuage learning , but some policies are to be summarized and emphasized, then you need to follow them in your practice. Sorry , sometimes I am lazy to write down something, I like to review some old classes from youdou dictionary classes . Repeating to listen classes again is workaround way for me. Addtionally, the assistant teacher give some summary documents, so I just downloaded then review it. 

For English learning , you have to learn different thing to get improvement, because when I watched old TV series (Friends), I still met some problems , one is that there are a lots unknowing words , another problem is I can't understand the meaning although I know every words, it's so anoying .  like eating food , you have to eat different kinds of food and then you can get varity nutrition , that's the way to become stronger and healthy. :)

Insisting on then met the best of yourself. Finally, I think I would  go on to learn and someday I will be succeed . 





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