美国五位前总统齐聚音乐会 筹款帮助飓风灾民

美国五位前总统齐聚音乐会 筹款帮助飓风灾民

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2017-10-22 21:09 被阅读3次

    Former US presidents gather for hurricanes fundraiser
    美国五位前总统齐聚音乐会 筹款帮助飓风灾民

    America's five living former presidents gathered together for a concert in aid of victims of the hurricanes which ravaged the US this year.

    Barack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush and Jimmy Carter appeared in Texas on Saturday.

    The three Democrats and two Republicans came together behind The One America Appeal, set up to help those caught up in the devastating trails of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.
    美国民主党前总统奥巴马、克林顿及卡特和共和党前总统布什及小布什齐聚发起“一个美国筹款计划”(One America Appeal),以救济那些遭受“哈维”,“艾尔玛”和“玛利亚”飓风袭击的受困民众。

    美国五位前总统齐聚音乐会 筹款帮助飓风灾民

    It has raised $31m (£23.5m) so far.

    The politicians launched the appeal in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, which caused billions in damage after it made landfall in Texas in August.

    Lady Gaga贡献今年全球最佳现场表演,唱哭美国前总统克林顿_腾讯视频

    However, it has since been expanded to include the communities in Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands which were hit by the storms which followed.

    "As former presidents, we wanted to help our fellow Americans begin to recover," Mr Obama explained to concertgoers in a pre-recorded message.

    His immediate predecessor added: "People are hurting down here, but as one Texan put it, we've got more love in Texas than water."

    They were not joined by sitting President Donald Trump, who sent a message ahead of the show praising their "wonderful" work and expressing his "deep gratitude".

    Both Mr Obama and the younger Mr Bush have made speeches in the last week which have been seen as veiled criticism of the former reality TV star's tenure in the White House.

    Lady Gaga

    All five presidents appeared on stage for the anthem, before taking their seats to watch acts including Lee Greenwood, who opened with "Proud to be an American", and Lady Gaga.
    五位前总统站在舞台上听了国歌,随后就坐席位观看李·格林伍德(Lee Greenwood)和嘎嘎小姐(Lady Gaga)等人的表演。李·格林伍德以一首《为自己是美国人而自豪》拉开了音乐会的序幕。(译:折翼的蝴蝶  英文来源:BBC)



        本文标题:美国五位前总统齐聚音乐会 筹款帮助飓风灾民
