

作者: _絮_ | 来源:发表于2020-02-04 00:35 被阅读0次

my alarm went off at 7:30,  then I washed my face and brushed my teeth.  I cannot go out today for there still lack a solution to the recent outbreak of pneumonia.

After my breakfast, I was playing with my nephew when an woman in red waist coat walking towards our doorgate. Obviously, she has something for us. I walked to her,  and she handed me a plastic bag in which there were a bottle of oils, a bag of noodles and a small bag of brown sugar. I expressed my thankness and put it in my kitchen. with curiosity, I followed out to see what happens. there was a tricycle with a blue box in which there were some red plastic bags just the same as what my family has got. What's more, this morning I got a message from my mom that the bridge was blocked by some bricks and bamboo fences.

soon we have had our lunch. No meat but some vegetables. After then I played with my nephew in the yard. he would like to play with his Altman cards, but I was bored with those.So I suggested buying a pair of playing cards. After wearing our breathing masks, we walked through the paths and founded that all the outlets of the village were blocked with bamboo fences expect one outlet. there was volunteers here and I need to show my ID card if I want to go out. what's more they asked where I live and have I go somewhere far from NinBo during this new year vacation. I and my nephew had to go home for I didn't carry my ID card.


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