伦敦时间10月5日,班克西作品 Girl with Balloon (女孩与气球)在苏富比拍卖行以 104.2 万英镑 (约 940 万人民币)的价格拍出时,这位艺术家通过操控画作内置的碎纸机自毁画作,引起全球一片哗然。
Banksy auction stunt leaves art world in shreds
① The mysterious British artist Banksy has played what could be one of the most audacious stunts in art history, arranging for one of his best-known works to self-destruct after being sold at auction for just over £1m.
② Girl With Balloon was the final item in an auction at Sotheby's in London last week and its sale price equalled the artist's previous auction record of £1.04m.
③ Shortly after the hammer came down on the item, however, the canvas began to pass through a shredder installed in the frame.
④ Banksy posted an image on social media of the shredded work dangling from the bottom of the frame with the title "Going, going, gone …"
⑤ Technicians at the auction house swiftly took it off the wall and carried it out of view.
⑥ The clearly surprised and shocked auctioneer declared to the packed saleroom: "We are going to move on."
⑦ The buyer of the shredded print will still go ahead with the £1m purchase amid claims that its value will have significantly increased following the self-destruction.
⑧ "Banksy has cleverly nestled himself in the pages of art history," Sotheby's said.
stunt /stʌnt/: n. 噱头
audacious /ɔːˈdeɪʃəs; ɒːˈdeɪʃəs/: adj. 大胆的;敢于冒险的
shredder /ˈʃredə; ˈʃredər/: n. 碎纸机
dangle /ˈdæŋɡəl/: vi. 悬挂;提着来回摆动
packed /pækt/: adj. 挤满的;拥挤的
nestle /ˈnesəl/: vt./vi. (使) 安卧;(使) 依偎
1. stunt: n. a stunt is something done mainly to attract attention
They dressed up as clowns and then jumped off London Bridge as a publicity stunt to get lots of publicity/public attention.
2. in shreds: an idiom that means damaged in some way or even means destroyed or ruined, and it can also mean cut into little pieces
His reputation is in shreds after the recent scandal.
His ambitious plan was in shreds after he lost all his money.
3. audacious: adj. If you do something that is audacious, it is risky and dangerous, but you want to take the risk.
4. self-destruct: vi. If something self-destructs, it destroys itself, especially in a way that is planned and deliberate.
5. shredder: n. a machine used for cutting paper into very small pieces
6. dangle: vi. to dangle means to hang loosely
There is a jade flower dangling from her necklace.
There is an electrical wire dangling from the wall. It might be dangerous.
7. out of view: If something is out of view, you cannot see it. It's not visible.
She turned a corner, and disappeared out of view.
I can't really see the river from my window. It's out of view.
8. packed: adj. If a room is packed, it's very busy with lots of people in it.
The train station is packed. It's really crowded with people.
9. nestle: vt./vi. If you nestle yourself, you put yourself in a comfortable, cozy position.
Vila likes nestling on the sofa and watching TV.