

作者: 阎凤超_财富人生教练 | 来源:发表于2019-02-06 15:50 被阅读136次



    Simply changing channels is an effective method to refuel emotionally.


    Any activity that is enjoyable, fulfilling and affirming tends to prompt positive emotions. Depending on your interests, that may mean singing, gardening, dancing, making love, doing yoga, reading an absorbing book, playing a sport, visiting a museum, attending a concert, or simply spending quiet, reflective time alone after an intense day of engaging with other people. The key, we have found, is making such activities priorities, and treating the time that you invest in them as sacrosanct. The point is not just that pleasure is its own reward, but more practically, that it is a critical ingredient in sustained performance.


    The depth or quality of emotional renewal is something else again. That depends on how absorbing, enriching and enlivening the activity turns out to be. Television, for example, is one of the primary means by which most people relax and recover. For the most part, however, watching television is the mental and emotional equivalent of eating junk food. It may provide a temporary form of recovery, but it is rarely nutritious and it is easy to consume too much. Researchers have found that prolonged television watching is actually correlated with increased anxiety and low-level depression. Conversely, the richer and deeper the source of emotional recovery, the more we refill our reserves and the more resilient we become. Effective emotional renewal puts us in a position to perform more effectively, especially under pressure.


    我的思考My Thinking

    It’s simple to prompt emotions by having enjoying, fulfilling activities.

    To renew Energy, you must not watch TV as:

    Watching TV is like eating rubbish foods which prompt temporary recovery, but will trigger anxiety and low-level depression. I have seen people who stay overnight for TV and regretted next day. I attended the sharing by who almost left but survived from the suffering depression which really deep and dark.

    During the lecture by Principal Cao Yangming, he advised not watching TV and only recommended one TV series- Tom & Jerry, which enriches in imagination and popular with old and young. In my opinion, most TV series are bullshit. TV limits the imaging of children and does harm to eyes. I limited the LETV to 0 kb/s, so my daughter can't watch anymore. Occasionally she watch the English series in Youtube which seem pleasant to her.

    When I attended psychological workshops, the instructor mentioned TV can depress people 113 times in 45min program!No wander People felt anxious and depressed when watching TV as it's exhausting Energy.



