
作者: 夺命肥泥鳅 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 14:35 被阅读1次
You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You


  • miss you you you

    我想你了。 拉开了窗帘也没有看见月亮,心情瞬间低落了起来。你看你,想你也不让我告诉你。这样,偶尔的时候我真的会伤心...

  • If You Are You

    If you are you, you breath.If you breath, you talk.If you...

  • For you, for you

    Give me a back and I'll make it all. Give me a smile to t...

  • If you,but you

    仿佛回到了十几年前的阳朔。这样的氛围,这样的感觉,这样的歌。 一帮人围坐在一起,弹着吉他聊着往事,喝点酒唱唱歌。曾...

  • You are you


  • You are you!

    你就是你自己,你也只能是你自己。 当外界变化时,你只有找到你自己,你才不会如墙头草般随风飘摇。 生活中,我们要做自...

  • You are you are

    Sometimes I remember Sometimes I don’t Try not to catch m...

  • You Are You

    There is always one true inner voice.Trust it.—Gloria Ste...

  • You are NOT what You Think You A


  • 《You is Good, you is smart, you

    2个半小时的电影,石头姐主演,入围过金球奖,看到近12点后睡意全无。 这是一部反对种族歧视的电影,背景是60年代的...


