这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。
Coordinates 坐标
In contrast to built-in Quartz Composer patches, the Origami patches (eg. Layer / Text Layer / Layer Group) use pixel coordinates.
Quartz Composer的模块和Origami的模块在使用像素坐标上是有差别的(比如:层/文字层/层组)。
The origin, or location of the (x = 0, y = 0) coordinate, is in the center of the device screen. Coordinates increase upwards and to the right. Points downward and leftward of the center have negative coordinates.
原点,也就是坐标为(x = 0, y = 0)的位置,是设备屏幕的中心。坐标向上和向右是增加的,中心点向下和向左是负的坐标。
For illustration, below is a Layer Group of height 400 pixels and width 300 pixels:
Anchor Point 锚点
Some patches take an Anchor Point input. This input changes the origin of the coordinate system, but only for that patch.
Here's an example of a Text Layer positioned from the "Top Left" Anchor Point:
From the bottom right:
Notice that if you position a Layer by its Bottom Right, it positions its right edge to the right of the screen and bottom edge to the bottom of the screen, not its center. This makes it convenient to quickly move a layer to a corner of the screen, or position it within its parent.
If you want to inset it left by 40 pixels and up by 40 pixels, give it an X Position of -40 and a Y Position of 40.