
作者: 鼠姑娘 | 来源:发表于2019-04-06 07:03 被阅读8次

Friday is the best day in my eyes ha maybe in most people’s eyes! Friday is a big hooray, I can work in the weekend, I can see Honeybee tomorrow night!

In May I won’t be able to work for two weeks, that sucks! I wish I could find somebody to babysit my daughter, so I can keep working during kids father’s absence, unfortunately nobody. Sigh, that will hurt my paycheck, everything is counting on my tax return money, damn!

My sister is going back to her husband s town tonight, China time in the morning. She went to the big city to make money to support the family, the two kids of hers are left behind to their grandmother, but nobody can take better care of the kids than their own mother, my sister has no choice. Feel bad for her, but I have the same worry, as a woman, when the other party is not able to support the family, we have to stand up for our family. It is really hard to keep balance between kids and work, especially for divorced women, I have so many women who are suffering anxiety and depression for survival. God please give your blessing to all hard working mothers!


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