phylo_tree.pl构建ML树及MrBayes报错识别 2

phylo_tree.pl构建ML树及MrBayes报错识别 2

作者: SnorkelingFan凡潜 | 来源:发表于2020-12-03 16:52 被阅读0次
perl phylo_tree.pl <infile> [options]
  <infile>         input phylip format(sequential) or mfa format sequence file;
  -format <str>    file formats: phylip(default); mfa;
  -type <str>      method: nj(default); ml; bayes;
  -outdir <str>    save results to this directory, default ./;
  -clean           delete temporary files, default not;
  -help            show help information;
  • phylo_tree.pl的说明中指导的输入数据格式是phylip format(sequential),但是实际使用phylip (sequential)跑时会报错,显示block1缺失序列,检查发现程序内置的Sequence format是phylip interleaved
 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo        CURRENT SETTINGS        ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

                . Sequence filename :                            temp.phy
                . Data type :                                    aa
                . Sequence format :                              interleaved
  • 更改输入数据格式为phylip interleaved后正常


  1. 此问题可修改正确taxon名解决,不可使用任何不合规的符号,否则报错
UNIX line termination
   Longest line length = 642
   Parsing file
   Expecting NEXUS formatted file
   Reading data block
      Allocated taxon set
      Allocated matrix
      Defining new matrix with 32 taxa and 641 characters
      Data is Protein
      Gaps coded as -
      Taxon  1 -> Aph_hcC_CAB89495.1
      Unrecognized Protein character 'o'
      Error while reading character position 4 (charCode -1)
      Deleting previously defined characters
      Deleting previously defined taxa
      Error when setting parameter "MatrixInfo" (2)
      The error occurred when reading char. 24 on line 8



      本文标题:phylo_tree.pl构建ML树及MrBayes报错识别 2
