2023年上海市中考 - 阅读理解B

2023年上海市中考 - 阅读理解B

作者: 让文字更美 | 来源:发表于2024-06-06 19:10 被阅读0次

Star Woman Wang Zhenyi

Have you ever heard of Wang Zhenyi? Perhaps most of us didn't know this great name until she was introduced in a CCTV programme.

Wang Zhenyi was a great Chinese scientist. She was born in the Oing Dynasty. At that time, girls had no chance to get a formal education. However, her father and grandfather were open-minded. They thought girls should share equal opportunities with boys. They encouraged her to read the books in their home library. Wang Zhenyi educated herself and read a lot about astronomy (the study of the stars, planets, etc.), maths, geography as well as medicine. Later, she decided to focus on astronomy.

In her time, many people expected the stars to tell what was going to happen. They thought certain events in the sky, such as lunar eclipses happened when gods were angry. But Wang Zhenyi thought differently. She believed in facts and observation. In order to explain those “strange” events, she did some experiments, In one, she used a round table as the Earth, a lamp as the Sun and a mirror as the Moon. She moved them around to show what actually happens during a lunar eclipse: when the Earth is passing directly between the Sun and the Moon, the sunlight cannot reach the Moon and the Moon “disappears”.

Throughout her short life, Wang Zhenyi wrote many articles about her research. In her articles, she explained difficult ideas in clear and simple ways so that people could understand science more easily. She helped make science available to more people.


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      本文标题:2023年上海市中考 - 阅读理解B
