English vocabulary learning 13/1

English vocabulary learning 13/1

作者: 资源狂小李 | 来源:发表于2022-10-13 05:35 被阅读0次

1. depreciate 英 [dɪˈpriːʃieɪt]  美 [dɪˈpriːʃieɪt] vt. 使贬值;贬低;轻视 vi. 贬值;轻视;贬低

■拆: de(down)+preci(price: value)+ate(v后缀) -> down the value -> 贬值

vt.贬低价值: to lower the price or estimated value of

■e.g. New cars start to depreciate as soon as they are on the road 新车一上路便开始贬值。

■同: cheapen, depress, devalue, downgrade, mark down

■反: appreciate, enhance, upgrade, mark up 提价,升值

vt.轻视: to lower in estimation or esteem

■e.g. dared to depreciate Shakespeare, saying his works have no relevance for modern audiences 胆敢贬低莎大人,说他的作品对于现代观众来说没有意义

■同: denigrate, disparage, play down, talk down

■反: acclaim, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify 赞扬

2. sunder 英 [ˈsʌndə(r)]  美 [ˈsʌndər] vt. 切开;切断 vi. 分离;断开

■拆: sun(PIE root: sen- apart)+der -> 分开      vt.分裂,分离: to break apart or in two

■e.g. a city sundered by racial conflict 一个因种族冲突而分裂的城市

■同: disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, disunite, divide, part, rend, rive, separate, sever, unyoke

■反: bond, connect, join, link, unify, unite, yoke连接,结合

■派: asunder adv.分开地,分裂地

3 amicable 英 [ˈæmɪkəbl]  美 [ˈæmɪkəbl]  adj. 友好的;友善的

■拆: am(love  注意: amic为其同根名词表示friend)+able(adj后缀 able to be) -> able to be friend -> 友善的

adj.友善的: characterized by friendly goodwill; amiable

■e.g. maintain amicable relations 保持友好关系;an amicable divorce 和平离婚

■同: friendly, affable, amicable, genial, easy to get along with

■反: antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly 有敌意的

4. credence 英 [ˈkriːdns]  美 [ˈkriːdns] n. 信任;凭证;祭器台

■拆: cred(to believe)+ence(n后缀) -> 坚信

n.坚信: firm belief in the integrity, ability, effectiveness, or genuineness of someone or something

■e.g. give credence to gossip 相信绯闻

■同: belief, credit, faith, trust, reliance

■反: doubt, skepticism 怀疑



      本文标题:English vocabulary learning 13/1
