English vocabulary learning 14/1

English vocabulary learning 14/1

作者: 资源狂小李 | 来源:发表于2022-10-15 06:32 被阅读0次

1. repel 英 [rɪˈpel]  美 [rɪˈpel] vt. 击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快

词根词缀: re(back)+pel(drive, push) -> drive or push back 击退; 逐回

vt.抵制: to fight against; resist

e.g. Self-discipline ensures that you can repel the things that induce you.自律可以保证你抵制那些诱惑你的 事物。I repelled the temptation to stay out late and call in sick the next day. 我抵住了 晚上玩通宵然后第二天谎称生病的诱惑。

■同: buck, defy, fight, oppose, resist, withstand

■反: capitulate, submit, succumb, surrender, yield, give in 屈服

vt.使厌恶: to cause aversion in: disgust

■e.g. Evil odors always repel me.臭味总、是让我恶心、。

■同: disgust, nauseate, repulse, revolt, sicken

■反: allure, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, tempt 吸引,诱惑

派: repelling adj. 令人厌恶的

2. deploy 英 [dɪˈplɔɪ]  美 [dɪˈplɔɪ] vt. 配置;展开;使疏开 vi. 部署;展开 n. 部署

词根词缀: de(dis: not)+ploy(to fold卷) -> 不卷入 -> 展开; 使疏开 后引申为部署等含义

v.(有目的地)展开;调度: to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose

■e.g. deploy a sales force 展开部署销售力量

■反: concentrate 集中

3. featureless 英 [ˈfiːtʃələs]  美 [ˈfiːtʃərləs] adj. 无特色的

词根词缀: feat(fac: make/do)+ure(n后缀: 表示状态)+less(表示无)-> 无特色的

adj.缺乏特征的: lacking distinguishing characteristics or features

■e.g. the featureless landscape of the steppe 大草原上缺乏特色的地貌

■同: beige, characterless, faceless, indistinctive, neutral, noncommital, vanilla

■反: diagnostic, discriminating, distinct, distinctive, distinguishing, identifying, peculiar, typical 特征的

4. precipice 英 [ˈpresəpɪs]  美 [ˈpresəpɪs] n. 悬崖;绝壁;险境

词根词缀: pre(before)+cip(head)+ice(n 表示状态) -> 头在前; 一头栽下 -> 悬崖; 绝壁

n.悬崖峭壁: a very steep or overhanging place

■e.g. a precipice too steep to climb 过于陡峭而无法攀爬的悬崖

■同: bluff, cliff, crag, escarpment, palisade

■反: ridge山脊

■派: precipitous adj.陡峭的



      本文标题:English vocabulary learning 14/1
