With the Internet developing, more and more people use different app to satisfy our need in life.And social media is an indispensable app in users. In different social media, Wechat has a lot of users. Basing on Wechat data report in 2017, we can know that 902 million users log in Wechat in a day. At the same time, there are 3.5 million monthly active Wechat public accounts and 797 million monthly active fans. Facing huge market, more and more content producers choose public accounts to publish. How to attract users in Wechat is important for content producers, so I analyze a famous public account that call Daily Character(每日人物). Take it as an example, we can know this public account’s articles’ style, reading quantity and other problem, and think how to build a special public account according to the data.
The first graph and the second graph show the basic situation about Daily Character. And other graphs shows the relation and comparison among articles' kinds, the date and reading quantity.
The information design and visualization: tree graph

The introduction of the graph
I choose the article in Daily Character from 1st, January to 31st, May in 2018. And then, I classify articles to three aspects, including character, news and special topic. The articles about character mainly focus on people. And those articles about news mainly discuss some hot events. The last aspect is special topic. In different aspects, these articles have more detailed classification. In classification of character, the articles are divided into two parts. The first part only reports one person, and the second part’s interviewees are over one person. And the articles in news are divided into society, entertainment and daily life. The special topic includes summarized articles,commemorative articles and activity/ marketing articles.
The information design and visualization: pie chart

The introduction of the graph
According to the graph,we can know the percentage of different kinds of articles, and the most articles focus on character. It shows the public account has clear position that record different characters in society, which is easy to make a deep impression on readers.
The information design and visualization: Sankey diagram

The introduction of the graph
Apart from the basic situation about Daily Character, we can see more information in the third graph. At first,the graph shows the number of articles from 1st, January to 31st, May in different kinds. At the same time, they are also divided into ten parts according to the reading quantity. We can see their reading quantity in different kinds clearly.
The information design and visualization: Bubble Diagram

The introduction of the graph
In this graph, we can compare the reading quantity of article every month. The graph shows the difference of reading quantity by the size of the bubble. And when you click bubbles, you can know specific data about reading quantity and the date of articles' publication.
The information design and visualization:Column Chart

The introduction of the graph
The last graph is difference with the forth graph because it not only shows the trend of reading quantity in the same month,but also can compare the distribution of reading quantity in different months.
1. From the graph, we know the public account has clear position, and its articles trend to record character.
2. Its reading quantity often distributes in the range from 30001 to 40000, and the reading quantity of articles written about character and news are easy to exceed 100000.
notice: the date on 4th, January, 21st, February, 3rd,April, 9th, April, 28th, April and 29th, April lost because these articles were deleted.