《Beyond Feelings》A Guide to Cri

《Beyond Feelings》A Guide to Cri

作者: 关安其心 | 来源:发表于2017-06-19 01:44 被阅读20次


Chapter 2 What Is Critical Thinking?


many people may have simply told you to think without ever explaining what thinking is and what qualities a good thinker has that a poor thinker lacks.


1 生活中的自相矛盾之处: 一方面人们坚持事物的“合理性”“逻辑性”,另一方面却又无法表现出自己的逻辑性,并且当他人表现出逻辑性的时候也拒绝接受它们

2 我们所谓的逻辑性也不过是单纯地反驳和争论对方的观点

3 逻辑清晰的思考非常难能可贵,可是连普通的思考也不多见。我们去相信和感觉,但是不思考。

4 思维的懒惰性是人类的特性之一

The most interesting and astounding contradiction in life is to me the constant insistence by nearly all people upon “logic,” “logical reasoning,”“sound reasoning,” on the one hand, and on the other their inability to display it, and their unwillingness to accept it when displayed by others. Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.

Clear thinking is a very rare thing, but even just plain thinking is almost as rare. Most of us most of the time do not think at all. We believe and we feel, but we do not think.

Mental indolence is one of the commonest of human traits.



appreciate consult fancy reason

believe contemplate imagine reflect

cerebrate deliberate meditate ruminate

cogitate digest muse speculate

conceive discuss ponder suppose

consider dream realize weigh




the brain is necessary for thought, but it has not shown that the brain is sufficient for thought. In fact, many philosophers claim it can never show that. They argue that the mind and the brain are demonstrably different. Whereas the brain is a physical entity composed of matter and therefore subject to decay, the mind is a metaphysical entity

The late American philosopher William Barrett observed that “history is, fundamentally, the adventure of human consciousness

One especially important issue is whether the mind is passive, a blank slate on which experience writes, as John Locke held, or active, a vehicle by which we take the initiative and exercise our free will, as G. W. Leibnitz argued.

This book is based on the latter view.



    本文标题:《Beyond Feelings》A Guide to Cri
