看了一个清迈大学森林恢复研究中心(FORRU CMU)做的小片,讲得是最近他们用无人机做的森林结构3D模型。东黑冠长臂猿中越两国保护区的栖息地恢复技术就是从FORRU CMU学的。在建模之前,也就是应用这些方法和收集数据之前,一定要先问清楚自己,我到底要拿这个东西做什么,它能解决我什么问题。片子提到了两种技术的优劣势,但我并没有想清楚它值不值得用在邦亮。我想这种方法可以用于了解原生栖息地(对比与栖息地恢复点)的森林结构吧。现在邦亮的栖息地恢复点的森林结构还太单一,还用不到这个?或许这个也可以检验我们的栖息地恢复点几年后恢复的森林机构情况?我之前最想把无人机应用在邦亮栖息地恢复点的情况很简单。我只想定点定高度定期去拍一张正射影像图,做为栖息地恢复影像监测的数据。
分析软件:Sexl Forest Simulator (ICPAF),Pix4D(无人机)
Forest Structure Profile
Line Transect method

Data sheet example

· Plot sampling size 50*10m
· Record tree coordinates (x,y) inside the plot

· Identify the tree species
· Measure tree girth at breast height, bolt height and crown depth

· GBH: 1)Measure girth at breast height using tape;2)The diameter must be more than 10 cm to be consider as a tree.
· Direction: Identify the north, south, east and west direction using compass.
· Crown size: Measure crown size in N-S and W-E direction.
· Crwon size measurement

Sexl-FS (Spatially explicitindividual-based forest simulator)
1) Transfer all the data collectedinto excel

2) Save document as text (tabdelimited)
3) Run the SEXL-FS software
4) Plot sampling size (x,y) 50*10m
5) Open the text document
6) Run “3D model”

Drone Phenology
Crew needed:
· pilot, spotter,recorder
Few steps before fly the drone:
1) Set up the drone; 2) Connect drone with tablet; 3) Calibrate compass;
Final check:
1) Record theflight log; 2) Time, target, speed, height, satellite and distance; 3) Droneready to fly;

· Using Pix4D sofeware tocreat the 3D model from processing the images
