商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit2 part 2

商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit2 part 2

作者: 羲之大鹅video | 来源:发表于2020-03-02 16:38 被阅读0次

Evaluating Online Ads

analytics platform

An analytics platform is a software that allows an advertiser to track the performance of its online advertisements.

This software is able to monitor metrics such as how many times an ad was clicked or whether an ad led to a sale.


able to可以; 有能力; 原来能够按时完成

monitor显示屏; 监视器; 显示器; 监控器; 监测器; 班长; 级长; 班代表; 监视; 检查; 跟踪调查; 监听

such as例如; 像; 象…这样; 诸如…之类

how many多少

times乘以; 倍; 时间; 时间,钟点,时刻; 时,时间; 为…安排时间; 选择…的时机; 计时; 测定…所需的时间; 在某一时刻击球; time的第三人称单数和复数

clicked使发出咔嗒声; 使咔嗒响; 点击,单击; 被突然明白; 豁然开朗; click的过去分词和过去式

whether是否; 是…,或者…,不管…

led起主导作用的; 带路; 领路; 引领; 相连,相通; 通向; 通往; lead的过去分词和过去式

sale出售; 销售; 销售量; 销售部

Seeing how people engage with online ads allows companies to make their marketing strategies more targeted.


engage with交战

online在线的; 联网的; 联机的

ads广告; ad的复数

allows允许; 准许; 给予; 允许进入; allow的第三人称单数

companies公司; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴; company的复数

make制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; 品牌,型号

metric: 测量标准

Cost per Impression(CPI)

Cost per Impression refers to how much an advertiser pays each time an ad is displayed on a website.


Cost费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事

per每; 每一

Impression印象; 感想; 影响; 效果; 印象画

refers to查阅; 提到

how much多少

advertiser广告商; 广告人员; 广告公司; 登广告者

pays付费; 付酬; 交纳; 偿还; 赢利; 创收; pay的第三人称单数

each time每次

displayed陈列; 展出; 展示; 显露,表现; 显示; display的过去分词和过去式


Advertisers must pay every time their ads appear on a platform, whether they are clicked or not.

By tracking CPI, it's possible to see if the ad is getting a strong return on its investment.

Cost per Click (CPC)

Cost per Click refers to what an advertiser pays each time an ad is clicked by a potential customer.


Cost费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事

per每; 每一

Click使发出咔嗒声; 使咔嗒响; 点击,单击; 被突然明白; 豁然开朗; 短而尖的声音; 咔嗒声; 点按,单击; 吸气音

refers to查阅; 提到

what什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太

advertiser广告商; 广告人员; 广告公司; 登广告者

pays付费; 付酬; 交纳; 偿还; 赢利; 创收; pay的第三人称单数

each time每次

clicked使发出咔嗒声; 使咔嗒响; 点击,单击; 被突然明白; 豁然开朗; click的过去分词和过去式

potential customer潜在顾客

Cost per Click depends on the publisher.

On search engines, companies will bid on keywords to use in ads, with certain words costing more money.


search engines搜索引擎; search engine的复数

companies公司; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴; company的复数

bid on投标承包


use使用; 利用; 运用; 消耗; 说,写,使用; 用; 得到利用; 用途; 功能; 用法; 使用权; 使用的机会

ads广告; ad的复数

certain确实; 确定; 肯定; 确信; 无疑; 某事,某人,某种; 某些

words单词; 词; 字; 说的话; 话语; 言语; 诺言; 许诺; 保证; 措辞; 用词; word的第三人称单数和复数

costing成本计算; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事; cost的现在分词

money钱; 薪水; 收入; 钱币; 钞票; 财产; 财富

But social media and other platforms typically charge a fixed price.


social media社交网络媒介

other另外; 其他; 那个,另一个; 其余的,另外的

platforms站台; 月台; 讲台; 舞台; 平台; platform的第三人称单数和复数

typically通常; 一般; 典型地; 具有代表性地; 不出所料; 果然

charge要价,收费; 指控; 控告; 指责; 谴责; 收; 要价; 把…记在账上; 在某人账上记入; 起诉

fixed price固定价格,定价

Cost per Order (CPO)

Cost per Order refers to the cost of advertising divided by the number of orders from customers.


Cost费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事

per每; 每一

refers to查阅; 提到

advertising广告活动; 广告业; 做广告; 登广告; 公布,征聘; 展现,宣传; advertise的现在分词

divided分裂的; 有分歧的; 分开,分散,分割,分成…; 分配; 分享; 分担; 把分别用于; divide的过去分词和过去式

orders顺序; 次序; 条理; 治安; 秩序; 规矩; 命令; 指挥; 要求; 订购; 订货; 要求提供服务; 点; order的第三人称单数和复数

customers顾客; 主顾; 客户; 家伙; customer的复数

It is commonly used in online advertising to determine the effectiveness of a company's marketing.

To reduce this cost, advertisers can either cut costs from their search budget or try to boost conversions.


reduce减少,缩小; 蒸发; 减轻体重; 节食

cost费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事

advertisers广告商; 广告人员; 广告公司; 登广告者; advertiser的复数

either任何一个; 每个,各方; 也; 而且; 要么…要么,不是…就是,或者…或者

cut切; 割; 割破; 划破; 切下,割下; 切成,割成; 伤口; 划口; 开口,破口; 削减,减少,缩减

costs费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事; cost的第三人称单数和复数

budget预算; 政府的年度预算; 谨慎花钱; 把…编入预算; 价格低廉的; 花钱少的

try to设法; 试图; 试着

boost使增长; 使兴旺; 偷窃; 帮助; 激励; 增长; 提高; 功率增大

conversions转变; 转换; 转化; 改变; 皈依; 归附; 附加得分; conversion的


1.In a Cost per Click model, a publisher receives money

 each time an ad is clicked

2.If the CPI of an ad is a lot higher than expected, 

it may be because the ad doesn't get enough exposure.

3.If an advertiser's ad needs more exposure, it can find a better publisher.



      本文标题:商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit2 part 2
