

作者: 简洁的书写 | 来源:发表于2023-12-06 09:06 被阅读0次


    1.Good morning,baby 早上好,宝贝

    2.Are you awake? 你醒了吗?

    3.Wake up!It's time to get up 该起床啦!

    4.Rise and shine 太阳晒屁股了!

    5.Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?

    6.Don’t stay in bed 不要赖床了

    7.You can only sleep for another five minutes 只能再睡5分钟

    8.What do you want to wear today? 今天想穿什么呢?

    9.Wash your face and brush your teeth 去洗脸刷牙吧

    10.Get up to wash your face.起床洗脸了。

    11.Wash your face and brush your teeth.洗脸刷牙了。

    12. Wash your neck, too.脖子也要洗哦。

    13. You look pretty after cleaning.洗好后,你看起来好美哦。

    14.Hurry up,or you'll be late 赶紧,不然要迟到了

    15.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

    16.It’s a nice day 今天是个好天气

    17.A beautiful day begins is in the morning 美好的一天从清晨开始

    洗脸 wash your face

    刷牙 brush your teeth

    牙刷 toothbrush

    牙膏 toothpaste

    涂牙膏到牙刷上 put your toothpaste on your toothbrush

    吐掉 spit it out

    打开水 turn on the water

    接一些水到手里 scoop some water up in your hands

    冲洗一下脸 rinse your face

    把脸擦干 dry your face out

    又漂亮又干净 nice and clean

    帮你检查 check you out

    叠毛巾 fold towel

    Towel 毛巾



