a day of a housewife

a day of a housewife

作者: 心花怒放的绿树 | 来源:发表于2022-08-22 21:34 被阅读0次

it is a typical day as a housewife for me today. 

Boya is back from HN. I cooked three meals for the four of us, which was not easy as balanced nutrition is a priority for the kids. For breakfast, I heated fast-frozen dumplings which we made before the summer holiday, steamed hard boiled eggs and sweet potato, also I made a pancake with minced carrot and yoghurt. For lunch, I fried a fish; cooked diced pork with potato, lotus root and pepper and a plate of Romain lettuce;also there was soup saved from dinner last night. For dinner, I made wonton and Maomao creatively made little rolls with wonton wrappers and pork mince. The dishes sound simple, but it took me almost 4 hours. Most of the time was spent in preparing materials for dumpling making.

After lunch, another hour was spent on the laundry. I needed to organize Boya's dirty clothes and all the clothes in the closet. 

When I finally got to sit down and relax a bit it was already 9 pm. This made me feel lucky that I have a job to save me from the tedious life of a housewife. 


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