1.IN BRITAIN alone millions of people make formal complaints each year
It is a virtue for people from different cultures, religions and colours united to beat United Airlines.
2.nudge them to save more
see nudge again, means propel people slightly or guide them to save money.
3.To date, despite dire warnings, European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.
to date=so far/ by now/ up to now/ by far, dire=extreme, unscathced=withou damage
4.mount a challenge, most conspiciously in
mount=gradually increase, surge, or get bigger conspicious=noticeable,attracting attention
5.But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe. Physical payments are still overwhelmingly made with
cash or bank cards.
6.due to be implemented by EU members in January 2018
7.Provided the customer has given explicit consent
provided=if, assume explicit sonsent=明确表达同意
8.strong authentication 强认证 integrate into=融入
9.rock-bottom interestrates=the lowest interest rates
10.resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection: more than half of respondents to the PwC
survey voiced concerns about security and liability.
这个词体现出新老利益集团博弈之激烈程度。old money 是不会轻易放弃既得利益的,不由让人想起宝能和万科、格力之争斗。尘埃落定,成王败寇,落得个妖精害人精的称号。但势不可违,等下一轮吧。
11.They will not be subject to the same capital and stress-testingrequirements banks face: but nor will they be licensed to undertake the riskier business of lending.
12.are all attributes entrants want to gain by association, just as banks want to exploit newcomers’ technology.
huge customer base(众多客户)+low funding costs(低存款利息)=attributes(advantage 优势)
exploit=use, apply, utilize, avail 开发, 利用