[双语图文]不止悬空寺,那些绝壁上的信仰|9 precariou

[双语图文]不止悬空寺,那些绝壁上的信仰|9 precariou

作者: 英语Highway_自在纸书 | 来源:发表于2018-09-05 23:21 被阅读45次

    For hidden beauty, you have to walk an extra mile.  为了隐秘的美,你要多走一英里。

    They may be visually stunning, but cliff-top temples were typically not built with architectural beauty in mind. Instead, some of most famously located monasteries — like these in Meteora, Greece — were built so that monks could protect themselves from the kind of political upheaval that was so common in the Middle Ages. The builders of another religious complex, the Paro Taktsang in Bhutan, chose their construction site because it was adjacent to a network of caves where early Buddhist figures had meditated and lived.

    视觉上,它们着实令人惊叹,但悬崖顶上的寺庙通常不是以建筑美为目的建造。相反,一些特殊位置的最著名的寺院——比如希腊的Meteora——是为了让僧侣们躲避中世纪那些时常爆发的政治动荡的迫害。另一个宗教建筑群——不丹的Paro Taktsang——选择该地的初衷是因为它毗邻一个洞穴群(早期的佛教人物在那里冥想和生活)。

    Today, some mountainside temples are off-limits for safety reasons. Others still hold cultural or religious significance and are either closed to the public or only partially open. Some still welcome visitors including pilgrims and those willing to display the requisite level of respect.



    Hanging Temple of China  中国山西悬空寺

    The Hanging Templeis far above the ground on a sheer cliff face. Experts believe the structures on Heng Mountain in Shanxi, China, may be more than 1,500 years old. The buildings are seemingly held on the cliff by oak supports placed into holes chiseled in the rock face below. Overall, the complex has more than 40 halls and buildings. Interestingly, the three major religions of China, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, are represented together within the temple.


    Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest)  尼泊尔虎穴寺   

    Paro Taktsang, the Tiger’s Nest, is a Buddhist temple complex in Bhutan. It's perched on a rock ledge in the Paro Valley. The temple was built around a series of caves where Padmasambhava, an Indian teacher who spread Buddhism in the region in the 8th century, meditated during his stay in Bhutan. The temple dates to the 17th century. It surrounds a total of 13 caves. Legend has it that Padmasambhava traveled to this precarious location on a flying tiger, thus the name Tiger's Nest.


    In the valley below the temple, the locals hold a traditional Bhutanese festival, called a Tsechu, to honor Padmasambhava in the springtime each year.


    Meteora  希腊的曼代奥拉 

    Meteora, which means "middle of the sky" or "lofty," is a collection of rock formations in Greece. The natural spires are picturesque, but the stunning collection of cliff-top monasteries are the main draw. Eastern Orthodox monks built the first monastery here in the 11th century, and more monks came over the next 300 years. The inaccessible rock formations proved to be the perfect places to hide from Turkish raiders and military groups who operated in the area. The monks built as many as two dozen temples. Most were only accessible by rope ladder, and the inhabitants would simply pull up the ropes when they felt threatened. Today, six of these original structures remain open at Meteora. Meteora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and most of the remaining monasteries still have monks or nuns in residence.


    Taung Kalat Monastery  缅甸唐卡拉特修道院   

    Mount Popa is an extinct volcano in Myanmar. The mountain is only 5,000 feet in elevation, but it seems more prominent because the surrounding plains are flat. Taung Kalat is a rock formation with sheer sides on the slopes of Popa. A large temple sits on the plateau at the top of this formation. To get to the temple, visitors must climb 777 steps. The temple features a number of shrines and offers views of the surrounding plains and mountain. You may even be able to see the famous temple complex of Bagan in the distance.

    波帕山是缅甸的一座死火山。海拔只有5,000英尺,但由于周围平坦的平原,这座山显得格外突出。Taung Kalat位于波帕山坡陡峭侧壁上的岩层。山顶有一座大寺庙。要到达寺庙,游客必须爬上777级台阶。这座寺庙的特色是神殿和周围平原、山峰的景色。你甚至可以看到远处著名的巴甘神庙。

    Sümela Monastery  土耳其黑海苏梅拉修道院 

    Located in northern Turkey near the Black Sea in the Pontic Mountains, Sümela Monastery is built into a cliff at an altitude of about 4,000 feet above sea level. The monastery is extremely old. It was founded by Greek Orthodox monks in the year 386 and was expanded and renovated over the centuries. The original purpose was to house a religious icon featuring a painting of the Virgin Mary.


    Phugtal Monastery    印度北部Phugtal修道院 

    India's Phugtal Monastery is remote in more ways than one. It's located in the autonomous Himalayan region of Ladakh, and visitors can only reach it on foot. The monastery's supplies arrive on horses and mules. Like other prominent Himalayan temples, this one is built around a cave where Buddhist teachers once meditated. According to legend, the earliest residents of the cave were monks who studied directly under the Buddha.


    Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe    法国圣米歇尔d'Aiguilhe礼拜堂 

    This chapel is on the top of a volcanic plug that rises 279 feet above the ground. It's near the Loire River in the town of Le Puy-en-Velay, France. Saint Michel is accessible via 268 stone steps carved into the rock. The site was first built in the 10th century by a clergyman named Bishop Godescalc who had just returned from a pilgrimage to Spain. Inspired by the grand mosques and cathedrals there, he decided to create a chapel in the most eye-catching place in town.


    Pura Luhur Uluwatu    巴厘岛的乌鲁瓦图神庙 

    Uluwatu means "rock at land's end." This Balinese Hindu temple sits on the ledge over a sheer cliff. The temple dates back to the 11th century, when a guru from the neighboring island of Java built it over 200 feet above the sea. Today Uluwatu is a tourist attraction, and the grounds host daily traditional Kecak Dance performances. It's open for Hindu prayer 24 hours per day, but those who aren't there for religious practices are only allowed during daytime hours.


    Katskhi Pillar    高加索地区的格鲁吉亚教堂

    This monolith in Georgia rises 130 feet above the ground. A small building sits at the top the formation. Experts believe it was a hermitage that someone built in the 8th, 9th or 10th century. No one is quite sure how the builder accomplished the daunting construction project.


    READ MORE: https://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/eco-tourism/photos/precariously-perched-temples-and-monasteries/away-civilization



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      本文标题:[双语图文]不止悬空寺,那些绝壁上的信仰|9 precariou
