- Name one U.S. territory.
- Puerto Rico
- American Samoa
- Guam
- U.S. Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands Explanation:When most people think of the United States, they think about the 50 states, but they often forget that other parts of the world are part of the United States, too. A U.S. territory is an area of land that belongs to the U.S. government but is not a state or the country’s capital, Washington, DC. Right now there are five U.S. territories: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. Three of these territories – Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands – are in the Pacific Ocean. The other two territories – Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands – are in the Atlantic Ocean.
Those territories are unincorporated, which means that the land belongs to the United States, but only certain parts of the U.S. Constitution (or the country’s most important legal document) are applied to those territories. The territories have to follow some parts of the Constitution, but they do not have to follow all of it. Let’s take a look at what this means for one territory, Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory in 1898 at the end of the Spanish-American War. Spain ceded (or gave) Puerto Rico to the United States. Since then, Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory. The head of state (or most important political leader) of Puerto Rico is the president of the United States. But Puerto Rico also has its own government which mirrors (or is very similar to) the U.S. government. Puerto Rico’s government has three branches or parts just like the U.S. government does. These branches are the executive (which enforces laws), the legislative (which makes laws), and the judicial (which decides what laws mean). In the United States, the head or leader of the executive branch is the president. In Puerto Rico, the head of the executive branch is called a governor.
The 50 states in the United States have representation in Congress (or the national government), meaning that people from those states can vote in the national legislature. As a territory, Puerto Rico doesn’t have this same representation, but it does have a nonvoting delegate, which is a person who is elected to be part of the U.S. Congress but cannot vote there.
An interesting thing is that Puerto Ricans who live in Puerto Rico are prohibited from voting in the U.S. presidential elections, meaning that they cannot help decide who will be the next U.S. president. But Puerto Ricans who live in a U.S. state can vote to decide who will be the next U.S. president.
- 说出一个美国领土。
- Name one state that borders Canada.
- Maine
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- Montana
- Idaho
- Washington
- Alaska
Explanation:Canada, which is just to the north of the United States, or immediately north of the United States, shares a border (or separating line) with 13 U.S. states. The border is 5,522 miles (or 8,891 kilometers) long, which makes it the longest border between two countries in the world. It includes the long border on the southern end of Canada and also the border between Canada and the state of Alaska, in northwestern Canada.
The U.S.-Canadian border is non-militarized, meaning that the U.S. and Canadian armies are not usually on the border. The border is also not normally patrolled, so people from the government are not usually watching the border to look for problems. However, there are 140 customs stations on the border, which are places where a government official (or a person who works for the government) asks people why they are entering the country and what they are bringing with them to make sure that they aren’t buying things in one country and selling them in the other country. Every year, the U.S.-Canadian border is crossed more than 100 million times.
The U.S.-Canadian border has changed many times. The first border between the two countries was demarcated (or drawn on a map) in 1783. The last time the border was changed was in 1903. Today there are no border disputes or disagreements about where one country ends and the other country begins.
- 问:举出一个与加拿大接壤的州。
- Name one state that borders Mexico.
Answer:• California
• Arizona• New Mexico
• Texas
Explanation:The border between the United States and Mexico is the international border that is crossed more often than any other international border in the world. It stretches (or reaches) 1,969 miles (or 3,169 kilometers) and touches four U.S. states: Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. There are about 250 million legal crossings every year, and many more that are illegal (or against the law).
When the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, Mexico and the United States signed an official agreement called the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The Treaty put the border between the two countries on the Rio Grande and the Colorado River. In that same agreement, Mexico ceded (or gave away) more than half of its land, or about 525,000 square miles (or 1.36 million square kilometers), to the United States.
About 80,000 Mexicans lived in that area when the land was transferred and its ownership changed from Mexico to the United States. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave those Mexicans U.S. citizenship. In that same treaty, the United States also agreed to honor (or respect) the property rights (or the ownership of land) of the Mexicans who lived in the land that was transferred from Mexico to the United States. However, there are many cases (or stories) where the United States did not honor those property rights and those Mexican Americans sometimes complain, saying that what the United States did was unfair.
Today, most of the southwestern United States is on land that used to belong to Mexico, and many of the people who live there are descendants (or grandchildren and great-grandchildren) of the people who lived there when the land was still part of Mexico. Mexican traditions (or old way of doing things) still affect life in those areas today. In fact, Mexican culture and traditions have had so much influence (or effect) on the southwestern United States that a style of cooking called Tex-Mex, which is short for Texas-Mexican, has become very popular not only in that part of the country, but all over the United States.
- 问:举出一个与墨西哥接壤的州。
- What is the capital of the United States?
Answer: Washington, D.C.
Explanation:The government of the United States is a representative democracy, which means that citizens vote for people who then represent them in the government, making laws and decisions that reflect (or are the same as) what the citizens want. Congress, or the lawmaking part of government, is made up of representatives from each state who represent the citizens of their state when Congress votes. But not all U.S. citizens have representation in Congress.
U.S. citizens who live in the country’s capitol, Washington, DC, do not have a representative who can vote in Congress. That is because Washington, DC is not a state. The country’s founding fathers, or the people who were very important in creating the country, didn’t want the national capital to be in a state, because then, that state would have too much power. So instead, the capitol is between two states: Maryland and Virginia. Almost 600,000 people live in Washington, DC, and none of them have representation in Congress.
Until 1961, Washington, DC residents (or people who live in Washington, DC) weren’t able to vote in the presidential elections either, meaning that they had no influence over (or ability to change) who would become the next president. This changed with the Twenty-Third Amendment (or official change) to the U.S. Constitution, which is the country’s most important legal document. So now DC residents can vote in the presidential elections.
Most DC residents think it is unfair (or not right) that they do not have representation in Congress. They believe that all U.S. citizens should have representation, and they have turned to U.S. history (or looked to U.S. history) to find support for their argument. When North America was still a British colony, or land that belonged to Great Britain, people argued that taxation without representation, or having to pay money to the British government when they had no representation in it, was unfair.
Today DC residents use that same phrase, taxation without representation, to make the same argument. The phrase even appears (or is shown) on DC license plates, which are the flat, rectangular pieces of metal with letters and numbers on the front and back of cars and trucks, showing that the car is registered with the government. In the United States, each state has its own license plate. The one in DC says “taxation without representation” to remind people (or make them remember) that they think the situation is unfair.
- 美国的首都是哪里?
- Where is the Statue of Liberty?
- New York (Harbor)
- Liberty Island
- [Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River).]
Explanation:Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty has been a symbol of freedom to people all over the world, meaning that when they look at a picture or photograph of the statue of liberty, they think about freedom in the United States. The Statue of Liberty welcomes people to the United States, or lets them know that the country is happy to have them come to visit or live there. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the government of France and now stands on Liberty Island in New York.
The Statue of Liberty, which is often referred to as “she” (or as a woman), is 151 feet (or 46 meters) tall and stands on a pedestal (or base) so that she reaches up to 305 feet (or 93 meters) tall. She is made of copper, which is a type of metal that turns green over time. Visitors used to be able to walk up the 354 steps inside the statue to enjoy panoramic (or very big and wide) views of New York City, but today they can see the statue only from below.
The Statue of Liberty is a statue of a woman wearing long robes, or large pieces of cloth that are worn over her shoulders and reach to her feet. Her right arm is extended (or held up) into the air and holds a torch, which is a long stick that burns on one end to make light. Her left arm holds a tablet, or a large piece of stone where writing has been carved or cut into the stone. The tablet says July 4, 1776, which is the day that the United States adopted or approved the Declaration of Independence and stopped being part of Great Britain. The date is written in Roman numerals, which is a way of writing numbers using letters instead of numbers.
When it is very windy, the Statue of Liberty sways (or moves from side to side) in the wind. The statue itself moves about 3 inches (or 7 centimeters), and the torch sways even more.
- 自由女神像在哪里?