

作者: jaychu28 | 来源:发表于2019-12-20 16:25 被阅读0次
  1. Why did the colonists fight the British?
  • because of high taxes (taxation without representation)
  • because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering)
  • because they didn’t have self-government Explanation:When people first began living in the British colonies (or areas of land that belonged to Great Britain but that were far away), they still thought of themselves as British citizens. But over time, something changed. They began to rebel against (or stop obeying) the British government because they thought that they were being treated unfairly. The people had created a new identity (or the way that they saw and understood themselves) and were becoming Americans. They began to fight against the British for three main (or most important) reasons: high taxes, quartering, and the lack of self-government. Let’s look at each of these three reasons. The new Americans were unhappy with the high taxes (or money paid to the government) that were imposed (or forced on them) by the British government. It was taxation without representation, meaning that Americans were supposed to pay money to the British government even though they had no representation or ability to give their opinion in that government. This made the new Americans very angry. Americans were also angry about the way that the British army treated them. British soldiers (or people who work in the army) were often quartered (or allowed to live, eat, and sleep in a place for a short period of time) in American homes without the permission (or approval) of the person who owned the home. Often these soldiers behaved very badly while they were in the home. This is the second reason why the new Americans decided to begin fighting against the British. The third reason that Americans fought against the British was because they lacked (or didn’t have) self-government, which was the ability to create and run their own government. The land that would become the United States was far away from Great Britain, yet all the government decisions were being made in Great Britain. The new Americans longed (or strongly wanted) to make their own decisions, but the British wouldn’t let them. So Americans fought against the British, and this fighting became known as the American Revolution, or the war that ended when the United States became its own country, separate from Great Britain.
  1. 为什么殖民者要与英国人作战?







因此,美国人与英国人作战,这场战争被称为美国独立战争(American Revolution),也就是结束于美国独立于英国的那场战争。

  1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Answer:(Thomas) Jefferson

Explanation:There is a funny story that shows how many Americans think of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. One day, President John F. Kennedy (our thirty-fifth president) was in the White House, which is the building where the U.S. president lives. He was there with 49 Nobel Prize winners. (The Nobel Prize is an award given to people who have done very important work in different fields all over the world.) President Kennedy said that this was the greatest group of human knowledge and talent that had ever been together in the White House, except when Thomas Jefferson ate there alone. This was his funny way of saying that Thomas Jefferson was a great man in American history who was good at many things, much more than other people, even a group of some of the world’s smartest people!
Thomas Jefferson is famous for many things. He was the second vice-president and the third president of the United States, but he is even better known for having written the Declaration of Independence, or the letter that was written to let Great Britain know that its colonies had become the United States, an independent country. Thomas Jefferson was one of the most influential Founding Fathers (meaning he was able to affect other people’s opinions) who helped to create the United States. While he was president, he sent two men named Lewis and Clark to explore the western part of North America. He also negotiated (or arranged) the Louisiana Purchase, which allowed the United States to buy a lot of land from France.
Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743 and was a Renaissance man, which means he was a man who has a lot of different types of knowledge and knows how to do many different things. He was a gardener, a politician, an author, an architect (or someone who designed buildings), and an inventor (or a person who makes new things that no one else had thought of before). He was the founder of (or the person who started) the University of Virginia.
Thomas Jefferson built a home called Monticello in Virginia. It is still there today, and many people go to visit it and learn more about this great man. At Monticello, people can see his architectural designs and many of his inventions, like automatic doors (or doors that open without being touched) and the swivel chair (or a chair that turns in circles while a person is sitting on it).

  1. 谁写的独立宣言?







  1. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

Answer: July 4, 1776

Explanation:Sometimes when an American wants you to sign your name (or write your name in a way that only you can do it, usually to show that you agree with something), he or she will say: “Put your John Hancock here.” That phrase relates to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which was a letter that Americans wrote to let Britain know that they no longer wanted to be ruled (or controlled) by the British government. The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men, but John Hancock’s signature was the first and biggest signature on the document. It was so big and bold (or large and showing that he was not afraid of anyone or anything), that today people say “Put your John Hancock here” when they want you to sign something.
The Declaration of Independence was adopted (or accepted) by the original 13 states on July 4, 1776. Today we celebrate a holiday called Independence Day every Fourth of July, because that is the day when the United States got its independence (or freedom) from Britain.
But the Declaration of Independence did more than just get independence from Britain. It also said many important things about human rights (or the things that all people should be allowed to do and to have). One of the most well-known phrases in the Declaration is that “all men are created equal.” This was important, because at the time the Declaration was written, not all men were treated equally. That is one of the reasons that Americans wanted their independence from Britain. They thought that they weren’t being treated as well as British people were being treated, so they wanted to create their own government.
The Declaration of Independence also listed many of the Americans’ complaints (or things that they didn’t like) about the British government, like not letting them make laws where they lived, and making them pay a lot of taxes (or money that was given to the government). The list of complaints became the Americans’ justification (or reason) for creating an independent country.

  1. 《独立宣言》是什么时候通过的?







  1. There were 13 original states. Name three.

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina

Explanation:Once Europeans arrived to North America, they began to fill up the land very quickly. Many Europeans moved to the land that would later become the United States. European countries like Britain, France, and Spain created colonies (or areas of land that belong to a country but are far away). Britain had 13 colonies, and those colonies later became the original 13 states of the United States.
The 13 colonies can be divided into four groups: the Southern Colonies, the Chesapeake Bay Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and New England. The Southern Colonies were Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. These colonies had very good weather for farming and were mostly used for growing cotton and tobacco (or a plant that is smoked in cigarettes). There was a lot of work to do on the plantations (or large farms), so the Southern Colonies had many slaves (or people who were owned as property and forced to work without being paid).
A little further north were the Chesapeake Bay Colonies of Maryland and Virginia. A bay is a large area of water that is mostly surrounded by land. The city of Jamestown in Virginia is famous for being the first permanent English settlement (or a place where people begin living) in America. It was founded (or created) in 1607. Many of the people who lived there died from hunger, cold, and attacks by the Native Americans, but Jamestown survived (or continued to exist), and today people can visit Jamestown to learn about its history.
The Middle Colonies, which used to be called New Netherlands, were Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The people living in these colonies had many different religions and had a lot of tolerance, which meant that they had the ability to live with other people who were very different from themselves. This was very different from the situation in Europe.
The last four colonies, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, made up New England. We still call the northeastern part of the United States “New England.” These were some of the first colonies that wanted independence from Britain. They were also the first colonies to make their own coins (or money made from small, round, flat pieces of metal).

  1. 最初有13个州。写出他们的名字。









  1. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

• The Constitution was written.
• The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.

When the 13 American colonies (or areas of land ruled by Great Britain but far away from it) got their independence (or freedom) from Britain, they did not have a strong government. They agreed to follow a document called the Articles of Confederation, but it wasn’t strong enough for the new country. So political leaders decided to have a meeting called the Constitutional Convention. Some of the people who went to the Constitutional Convention wanted to improve (or make better) the Articles of Confederation. Others wanted to create a new type of government.
The Constitutional Convention was held from May 25th to September 17th, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During that time, political leaders discussed (or talked about) many important issues. One of the main disagreements was how Americans should be represented in the legislature (or the lawmaking part of the government). People from large states wanted representation to be based on population, while people from small states wanted each state to have equal representation. A man from Connecticut, Roger Sherman, finally solved (or found an answer to) the problem when he created the Connecticut Compromise, which was a solution that gave everybody some, but not all, of what they wanted. The Connecticut Compromise created the House of Representatives, where representation is based on population, and the Senate, where representation is equal for all states.
Another disagreement at the Constitutional Convention was how the votes of slaves (or people who were owned as property and were forced to work without being paid) should be counted. About 20% of the U.S. population was slaves, and most of them were in the South. States with many slaves wanted them to be counted for representation in the legislature, but not for taxes (or money paid to the government). States without slaves wanted them to be counted for taxes, but not for representation. The solution was another compromise: to count each slave as three- fifths (or 60%) of a person.
There were many other disagreements during the Constitutional Convention, but eventually the Constitution (or the most important legal document in the United States) was written. The men who were at the Constitutional Convention are often called our Founding Fathers, because they were the people who helped to found (or create) the U.S. government as we know it today.









