听力打卡 Day 1

听力打卡 Day 1

作者: 向晚Y | 来源:发表于2017-11-20 11:51 被阅读0次

练习内容来自Steve Pavlina

文章标题为Why Not You?



Why Not You?

Steve Pavlina

Are you one of those people who notices the problems of the world and says one of the followings:

Somebody ought to do something about that.

Where are the people that are supposed to be handling this?

Surely with all the tax dollars being spent, somebody is in charge of fixing this.

Why doesn’t somebody do something about that?

Why not you?

If you feel a strong urge to see a problem fixed, then why not act on it? Surely your whining and complaining isn’t helping, is it?

“It’s too big,” you say? It’s supposed to be too big. Tackling challenges that are too big for you is what makes you grow as a human being. Why do you think this problem keeps coming up in your life, staring you in the face? Do you think you’re supposed to ignore it and hide from it and wait for someone else to solve it for you? If you notice it, you own it.

Tackling a problem that’s too big for you is how you live purposefully. It’s the cure for apathy and boredom. So what if you fail now and then? Initially you’re supposed to fail — a lot. That’s how you grow. But with persistence you will make a dent. And with enough conscious denters such as yourself on the job, no problem in the world is unsolvable.

How much longer are you going to settle for less than you’re worth? Do you really think you’re here to consume more and more widgets? Is that what your life is all about?...




1.whine /waɪn/ vt. 哀诉

2.purposefully  adv. 有目的地;果断地;purposeful adj.有目的的,坚毅的,果断的,有意义的

3.apathy /ˈæpəθi/ n. 冷漠,无兴趣,漠不关心

4.boredom BrE /ˈbɔːdəm/; NAmE /ˈbɔːrdəm/ n. 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物

5.dent /dent/ n. 凹痕;削弱;减少;齿

6.widget /ˈwɪdʒɪt/ n. 装饰物;小机械;(文中最后一段意思指你准备就这样摆弄小玩意儿吗?)

⒎ought to 应该

⒏are supposed to  应该,被期望

⒐in charge of  负责,主管

⒑make a dent  引起注意,产生印象,取得初步进展;减少,削减(尤指资金。)


It seems easier to evade the responsibility than to take it consciously.However,i hope to grow into a man who is responsible for what he said and did.

听力打卡 Day 1

You are more than hard-working!

Stick to it!



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      本文标题:听力打卡 Day 1
