原则7 尽早把产品给顾客

原则7 尽早把产品给顾客

作者: 虫虫侠 | 来源:发表于2018-09-05 21:00 被阅读0次

principle 7 : give products to customers early

No matter how hard you try to learn users’needs during the requirements phase, the most effective means to ascertain their real needs is to give them a product and let them play with it.If you follow a conventional interpretation of the waterfall model, the first delivery of a product to the customer occurs after 99 percent of the development resources are already expended.Thus, the majority of customer feedback on their needs occurs after the resources are expended.Contrast that with an approach, for example, of constructing a quick and dirty prototype early in the development process.Deliver this to the customer, gather feedback, and then write a requirements specification and proceed with a full-scale development.In this scenario, only 5 to 20 percent of the development resources are expended by the time customers experience their first product.f the appropriate features were built into the prototype, the highest-risk user needs will become better known and the final product is more likely to be user-satisfactory.This helps ensure that the remainder of the resources are spent building the right system.



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      本文标题:原则7 尽早把产品给顾客
