麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享20

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享20

作者: 眼线猫 | 来源:发表于2018-11-11 09:21 被阅读0次


今天分享的绘本是Kitten’s first full moon。作者Kevin Henkes,凯文·汉克斯(Kevin Henkes)是美国著名童书作家暨插画家。。他创作了一系列以老鼠为主角的作品,广受读者欢迎,成了家喻户晓的小老鼠明星,也为他赢得多项大奖。已出版的有《Chrysanthemum》、《Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse》、《Owen》等著名佳作,2004年他以小说《Olive's ocean》得到美国图书馆协会颁发的纽伯瑞大奖的银牌奖,2005年他更以《Kitten's first full moon》一书赢得凯迪克大奖的桂冠。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11


麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11

She stretched her neck and open her mouth and licked but only ended up with a bug on her tongue.

She sprang from the top step of the porch but only tumbled.

She chased it but never seemed to get closer.

She ran to the tallest tree but still couldn’t reach the bowl of milk.

Then she found,

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11

Kitten saw another bowl of milk and it was bigger.

She raced down and raced to the pond.

Poor kitten! She was wet and sad and tired and hungry.

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11

So she went home.

And there was a great big bowl of milk on the porch just waiting her.

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11

又是一个happy ending。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享2018-11-11




    本文标题:麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【12期英文】14/21 绘本分享20
