

作者: 燕子飞四方 | 来源:发表于2021-08-25 17:04 被阅读0次

    First Slide:


    How do you influence others?

    I think if you want to influence others - maybe you are leader of a company - a good way is to become a good role model. Do your best and become a model to your colleagues.

    Good phrase: role model

    I think we can influence others through my behaviours and through the speeches. If we do work well done, our colleagues may imitate us, regard us as a good example.

    Good vocabulary: imitate & a good example

    We can influence others through behaviour and speech.

    If we work well....

    If the work is done well ....



    I really agree with Lovy.

    She said you can influence others by speech.

    Maybe, we can influence others not only by speech, but by body language.

    Good phrase: body language

    I think the most important thing is we need to believe what we say to others. Every word have a different kind of energy.

    Good vocabulary: kind of energy

    This will expression will contain many strong powers.

    To be honest is very important for all the communication.

    I think the personality is also important when you influence others.

    Good vocabulary: personality

    I think the most important is to be self-confidence.

    If you are not confident enough, you can't make some decisions by yourself.(YES)

    confident: adjective

    confidence: noun

    In my opinion, I think as a leader he can influence others through his behaviour and speaking.

    He must be mature and responsible person. Maybe, he can deliver some sessions and told his team member something make them work more efficient.

    He should become a professional model.

    Good vocabulary: mature

    According to my experience, what I have done and what I have said.

    if I work hard, my colleagues from my team may also learn from me.

    When I am with my family and friends, when I behave morally, they will touched. They will do the same things with me.

    Good vocabulary: morally

    They will do the same things as me. 

    as: similar

    with: together

    Intro task:


    What could you say to help your colleague understand their goals?

    If I am trying to help a colleague, first, I will tell him he first need to make his career goals for in five years or ten years.

    Short-term and long-term goals. 

    short-term/long-term: when you plan to achieve them

    Second, I will tell him how to achieve this.

    He can take a course to understand about business procedure.

    Good example: take a course

    I think there are many elements about setting your career path.

    Analyze the situation and I would like to say what are you interested in.

    Set goals bearing in mind a big picture. 

    to bear in mind: to consider

    I plan to talk to my colleague, "If I were you, first, I would want to make sure what is the most important things to me"

    Present unreal condition

    Then, I want to make sure my advantage and my disadvantage.

    Just follow your heart because you are very young.

    Good expression: follow your heart

    Just to make a career decision depends on the needs. If you want to work just to earn more money, if it is very difficult if you work for dream.

    Work for money is just short-term goals. If you want to work for dream, it is long-term goals.

    Every layer needs to grow. 

    grow: develop, get bigger, expand

    grow up: become an adult or mature

    And we also need to fulfill our potential.

    Good phrase: fulfill our potential

    Set the short-term and long-term goals.

    If you real like this job, you need to....

    You also need to take continuous education to enhance your skills. 

    If they want to set a goal, they should first analyze their own situation.

    Different people need to have different goals.

    Long-term goals should be cut into short-term goals, that makes it is easy to complete.

    And most important is do it.

    You reap what you sow. 

    I will tell people that I think you should divide your goals into two categories: the first is short-term goals and the second is long-term goals.

    ... or the management people.

    That should be much harder to do.

    Being assertive

    A. The man looks like friendly. confident and enthusiastic.

    He looks afraid, shy.

    The man looks irritable, offensive, impolite.

    L.I think the first man looks very tidy. He smile very softly. I think is very outgoing.

    He seems a little scared to others.

    The third people he look a little aggressive and unfriendly.

    Z. He looks like friendly. He is timid and scared.

    S. I prefer second, the second sentence is more polite and give more explain.

    H. I think the second one is more effective because he talk about what he feel.

    C. I disagree with both these sentences. The first sentence give me a feeling about rude and impolite. We don't need to listening loudly.

    I speak to other person I will give them feeling and they can listen to me clearly.

    A. Generally I think I am assertive, confident and polite.

    L. Maybe I'm assertive at home more than at work.

    Z. My job is project manager, but if you ask me some questions I don't more assertive.

    S. I'm nervous when you force me to do what I don't.

    H. I'm so sorry about your work is a little disorganized. I feel uncomfortable a little that your table is

    C. I want to know where did you learn to drive.

    A. I feel confused about your driving skills.

    L. I'm very frustrated that forget my birthday once again.

    C. The reaction depends on different listener. I am a father and I am the head of my department.

    A. I feel helpless and sad when you directly criticize me. It makes me lose faith.

    H. You are taking too much attention of the projection. Can you let me do more things.

    A. I think if you you want to tell me you can tell me gently.

    L. I am feel very uncomfortable and very sad when do not share the work. I think we should think of a schedule to assign our work.

    S. I'm very frustrated when talk loudly. You just speak too fast I can't catch your words. Maybe if you explain more to me I will get your point.

    L. I think next time I will speak a little lower so you can hear me a little clearly.

    Z. I'm not feeling not happy because you not share the project between us more.

    C. Yes this is my mistake. You have good ability to take too much work.

    C. I want to know you have to make a boyfriend, are sure you want to take too much task for you?

    Z. I think we need more communication and more collaboration.


    When I was a young child, when there were crying baby, the old people would say she is scared by ghosts or scary things that are around. This is not the truth because maybe the baby is uncomfortable.

    This is a very good apartment, the sound of the crying woman is a cat, it likes to making noise and it sounds like a crying baby. The owners has been drinking a lot, so her family found her in the yard the next morning. I am very interested in this house.

    The women was found in a house, the police found her and they still don't know what he people heard a woman walked slowly, and cried with loud voice.

    My mother said a magpie can give you good luck and crows can bring you bad things, if you see it you have stay at home.

    It is just a misunderstanding, as we know the driver stopped at a gas station. As he was filling up his car, the hitchhiker went to the bathroom and she didn't see the hitchhiker and the driver drove away without her.

    It is claimed that the owner heard a woman crying in the house, and the next morning she found herself

    This story isn't true, it is impossible. I don't think ghosts exist.

    I don't believe in ghosts, I believe in science.

    The man didn't pick her up because she was a ghost

    She heard a woman crying.

    The owner has been drinking a lot.

    He saw a ghost on the road. 

    Have you heard this story

    The people who live in this house never have any peace.

    Ghosts don't exist.

    I've never heard this story before.

    I don't believe it.

    A new apartment.

     Practice these areas:   

    Vocabulary / dictionary definitions:   


    Belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.:

    According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.

    I don't believe in the old superstition that the number 13 is unlucky.


    magical spirit who will do whatever the person who controls it asks it to do.


    Target Language: 

    Set expressions for making and refusing invitations politely: Thanks, I’d love to, Thank you, I’d be honored, I’ll have to take a rain check, That’s really nice of you, but I’ve made other plans.

    Stephen: "Okay no problem. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that.This Friday afternoon, let's go have coffee?"

    You said, "I am glad to accept it." (word choice)

    Rather say, "I am happy to accept it."

    That's a great idea.

    You said, "Do have any time?" (missing word, word choice)

    Rather say, "Do have some free time on Friday?"

    Fierce: "Wow, that's great. Let's go. Sorry, maybe this time it cannot work. That's great. Maybe let's meet later. "

    You said, "Next time I will invite you to go somewhere and relaxing and have fun." (to-infinitive form, word choice)

    Rather say, "Next time I will invite you to go somewhere to relax and have fun."

     You said, "It depends because if we make appointment on weekend to go shopping but it depends on the situation on Friday because Friday afternoon I have a conference to take, if the conference end very late maybe I will feel tired." (word choice, word order, delete word)

    Rather say, "It will depend on how tired I feel on Friday evening after attending a conference. So if I am too tired, I will not be able to go shopping with you."

    What do you think?

    Liu (Lena): "Okay, thank you for inviting me. I'd like to go but I'm very busy this week. Maybe I can go with you next time. Thanks I'd love to."

     I am happy to go with you.


    Lyn: "Sounds good. Let's go. You know I am very busy these days, maybe next time. If I have no time, maybe I'll have to take a rain check. Would you like to come?"

     You said, "If I have a time, then I would like join them." (to-infinitive form, delete 'a', uncountable noun)

    Rather say, "If I have time, then I would like to join them."

     You said, "We decide to climb." (verb form, word choice, word order)

    Rather say, "We are going mountain climbing" or "We decided to climb a mountain" or "We have decided to climb a mountain"


    Andy: "I am sorry, I have no time. Maybe next time. Where shall we meet? Thank you for inciting me."

     You said, "I will have to check, raining check" (word choice)

    Rather say, "I will have to take a rain check"



