“ Besides,” said Miss Abbot,“ God will punish her: he might strike her dead in the midst of her tantrues, And then where would she go? Come, Bessie, we will leave her: I wouldn't have her heart for anything. Say your prayers, Miss Eyre, when you are by yourself; for if you don't repent, something bad might be Permitted to come down the chimney and fetch you away. ”
“再说,” 阿博特小姐说,“上帝也会惩罚她,他会在她正大发脾气的时候叫她忽然死掉,而且知道死后会到哪儿去吗?得啦,贝茜,咱们就随她去吧,反正怎么说她也不会对我们有好感的。剩你一个人的时候,爱小姐,你好好做做祷告,因为你要是不忏悔,说不定就会有什么可怕的东西从烟囱里下来把你抓走的。”
They went, shutting the door, and locking it behind them.