刘晓静 Day15

刘晓静 Day15

作者: Rita_静 | 来源:发表于2017-01-31 04:25 被阅读0次
刘晓静 Day15

I am eager for listening to Ailsa's class again!

What she always emphasized today is

Use group or pair work;

Based the activity on easy language;

Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest;

Make student aware of the purpose of the activity and conditions for its success;

To become opportunities normal....

刘晓静 Day15

To be honest, I think ,for the beginners, I will try to lead them to pay attention to the fluency, for further education, will concentrate on the accuracy!

Fluency is like a kind of magic powder to make kids excited to fall in love with speaking English!

Accuracy is to share the information and get it exactly, and make teaching useful.

From angle of teaching and leading , they are like following to be shown in front of students:

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My thought:

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I feel ashamed about the reflection from this sheet:( It shows I forced my students to learn by themselves without teamwork or help from cooperation!

刘晓静 Day15

I'm teacher-led (ashamed)

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Follow Alisa's leading:

to praise my students:


I'm not sure, but...

I didn't hear clearly! Can you spell it?

Well done!


Try again.....

刘晓静 Day15

Excellent activity! I will try!


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      本文标题:刘晓静 Day15
