Survive the Nian

作者: 你好夏日微风 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 11:16 被阅读0次

Everybody is celibrating the Spring Festival, so what's the point here?

Holiday? which is for rich people, not for the poor people like me.

For me, I'd better stay at home all the time, no meet anybody.

How can I survive during this period, eat breakfast, eat lunch, and eat supper also.

Actually, I am very scared that spend the Festival in countryside, it is so inconvenient from morning to night, it is difficult to wash my face, brush my teeth, the facilities in countryside is too old to use, these ages more than 30years old.

I am not a woman who can not bear suffering.

I just think some things we can manage to do better.


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