2019-08-27 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(合同

2019-08-27 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(合同

作者: 魔君BYL | 来源:发表于2019-08-28 14:46 被阅读0次

    Is the contract acceptable now? 合同这样可以了吗?


    1. make out 起草

    2. revise 修改

    3. go over 浏览

    4. modification 修改

    5. expire 期满

    6. concession 让步

    7. carry out 执行

    8. overdue 逾期

    9. point by point 一点一点地

    10. pact 协议

    11. terminate 终止

    12. as a rule 理论上

    13. think about 考虑

    14. payment terms 支付条款

    15. mutual 共同的

    16. item 合同条款

    17. grace period 宽限期


    1. Can we make a compromise here? 我们能在这里达成一个妥协吗?

    2. Do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗?

    3. If I sign here, that makes me Party B, right? 如果我在这里签字的话,那我就算是乙方了,对吗?

    4. We seem to have problem in item 13. 我们双方似乎在第13条款上存在问题。


    1. Shall we take up the matter point by point? 我们逐点研究一下,可以吗? 

    2. I do hope we can both find a conmon ground of this. 我真心希望我们可以在这一点上取得一致。

    3. You wil know how hard for me to make sure decision if you were me. 如果你是我你就知道我做出这个决定多么困难。

    4. Will you consider a larger deal if we make some modifications here? 如果我方在此做一下修改,你方能否考虑增加订单呢?

    5. I‘d like to stop and think about this for a little while. 先暂停一下,我想先想想这个问题。

    6. We assure you a favorable contract. 我方保证为你方提供一个优惠合约。

    7. I hope you may make some compromise. 我希望你能做出一些妥协。

    8. This is our mutual benefits. And I hope you will consider my suggestion before. 这符合我们共同的利益。我希望你能考虑一下我先前提出的建议。

    9. We can't agree with the alterations you want to make to the contract. 我们无法同意对合同的变动和修改。

    10. Here's my signature.我签好了。

    11. Here's your copy of the contract. 这是你的那一份合同。


    1. to draft a contract 起草合同

    2. to alter the contract 修改合同

    3. contract terms / clause 合同条款

    4. to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效

    5. to terminate the contract 解除合同

    6. to carry out a contract 执行合同

    7. to break the contract 毁约

    8. to cancel the contract 撤销合同


    1. We have agreed on all of the terms in the contract. 我们对合同各项条款全无异议。

    --- Sounds like we've found some common ground. 听起来我们好像已经达成共识了。

    2. I don't see any problems with contract. 我认为合同没有问题。

    3. We're satisfied with this contract. 我们对这份合同很满意。

    4. I’m trying to make a middle ground here. 我正在尝试寻得一个中间点。

    5. Is the contract acceptable now? 合同现在这样可以了吧?

    6. I made a very close study of the draft contract. There are a few points which I'd like to bring up. 我细审了合同草案。有几点我想提一下。

    bring up 提出...供讨论

    7. Is there any room for compromise on the royalty rate? 权利金是否还有协商空间?

    8. Are you ready to sign? 准备好可以签字了吗?

    9. I think we should get this in writing. 我想我们应该把这个写进合同里。

    10. When should we sign the contract? 我们什么时候签合同?

    ---- We'll revise the contract this evening, and have it ready to be signed tomorrow morning at ten. How's that? 今天晚上我们修改一下合同,准备明天早上10点签约,怎么样?


    A: Well,Mr. Waston, I think we had a good start of our cooperation yesterday. Let's go on with our business talk.

    B: Why not? I've reconsidered about your price. I have to say that your price is on the high side, which will put us in a tide corner. Is there any possibility to reduce your price?

    A: If you compare the quality of our goods with that of other companies, you will see our price is very reasonable. But we may consider making some concessions on our price for the long-term friendship between us.

    B: We really appreciat it. As to payment, the term we wish to adopt is by confirmed and irrevocable L/C.

    A: Ok. Then what about the method of delivery?

    B: We'd like to have our goods sent by air.

    A: Any special requirement?

    B: In order to avoid any possible damage in transit, we would ask you to pack the goods in strong but small wooden cases.

    A: We'll do as you desire on the condition that the extra freight has to be paid by you.

    B: That's all right. Will it also be writen in the contract?

    A: Yes, I'll make a note of that. I believe that we can proceed on those terms. Shall we draw up an agreement on a tentative basis? 是的,我会做好笔记。我相信我们双方都会遵守这些条款。我们草拟一份暂时合同好吗?

    B: That will be fine. Then we can confirm the terms at our meeting tomorrow.



          本文标题:2019-08-27 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(合同
