Day 14, Page 149-160

Day 14, Page 149-160

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-06-20 21:31 被阅读0次


1. But every time we've gotten serious about going for the record, all the snow has melted, and we've missed our window of opportunity.

window of opportunity: a brief time period in which an opportunity exists

造句:This afternoon I had a brief window of opportunity when I could discuss this plan with my boss, but she wasn't receptive.

2. ...and I've slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol. So I was psyched.

slack off: to work less hard or to be less than is usual or necessary偷工,懈怠

psyche: extremely excited about and psychologically prepared for something兴奋的,殷切期待的

造句:Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays.

3. The whole trip ate up forty-five minutes, and there are only twenty minutes of Pre-Algebra left when we got back.

eat up: consume completely

造句:This dress has eaten up all my spare cash.

4. Walking the kids home was no sweat.



Keeping doing exercise is no breeze.(昨天出现的词,表示小菜一碟儿)

Learning English is no difficulty.

5. I couldn't believe my luck. I was getting instant bully protection and a free pass from the Pre-Algebra. and I didn't even have to lift a finger.

这句话写的非常妙。首先“I couldn't believe my luck.” 简直不敢相信撞的狗屎运……

get instant bully protection bully这个词意思是仗势欺人的人,横行霸道的人,这种人在校园一般都是“大哥”似的风云人物,这里意思是就像突然有了人撑腰似的,可以理直气壮的翘课。

a free pass在这里的意思并不是“免费的…”,结合具体语境,应该是“逃课但是不会受到任何惩罚,因为有“官方”背景撑腰……”

not lift a finger: refuse to make even a little effort这里表示“啥也不用干(成果)就到手了”

造句:He spends all day stretched out on the couch and doesn't lift a finger to help.


1. Later on, they made an announcement that there are some openings on the Safety Patrols, and that got me thinking.

make an announcement: 本意就是“宣布…”, 也可以直接使用动词announce something/that...

opening: a job or an opportunity to do something

something get somebody V-ing 某事让某人…,比如我们可以说that gets me crying/laughing...

造句:My mother makes an announcement tonight that I am grounded from vedio games for three weeks and that makes me crying.

2. So tomorrow morning, when the Whirley Street kids come marching up our hill, me and Rowley are going to teach those guys a lesson.

teach somebody a lesson: 给某人一个教训,也可以说give somebody a lesson

come marching up...come加doing这种用法表示“以某种方式来...”或者“一边...一边来”

造句:My brother always comes making noise when I do my homework, and I decide to give him a lesson.


My younger brother really bugs me a lot every time I do my homework. And to get rid of him is real no breeze. Usually he will just mess my papers up and I have to do it from scratch, which way bothers me. But sometimes he will just take my side when I am in hot water with my parents. So sometimes I think the whole story is just a mixed blessing. Sometimes I want to make an announcement that I will never play with him any longer, but sometimes I cannot believe my luck to have him my brother, especially when I am not in the mood and with him accompanying.


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