

作者: 聆风堂主 | 来源:发表于2018-10-21 21:00 被阅读22次

A new report produces an odd mixture of alarm and apathy


FOR decades scientists have warned that rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases from the burning off ossil fuels risk adversely affecting the climate, increasing ocean acidity, the frequency of freak weather and other symptoms of planetary ill-health. But it seemed that keeping the temperature within 2°C of pre-industrial levels, although disruptive, would probably leave Earth in a chronic but stable condition.

数十年来,科学家警告大家要多关心燃烧矿物燃料产生的温室气体造成的大气问题,温室气体对气候有害,使海洋酸度升高,异常天气增多和其他一些星球亚健康症状。但似乎保持在以前工业水平2度以内的温度,尽管有破坏性,但也可能让地球处于 长期但稳定的状态。

A report unveiled this week from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a UN-backed body that musters the science needed to inform policy, shows how optimistic that was. The survey was commissioned in 2015 by the then 195 signatories of the Paris climate agreement—which commits them to keep warming “well below”2°C and to “pursue efforts towards 1.5°C”. The effects and technical feasibility of keeping warming within this tighter limit were the report’s focus.  How it was put together, the message it contains and there action it elicited all matter.


A question of degree First, the way it was assembled. Although the report presents no new science of its own, its survey of more than 6,000 studies is meticulous. With every passing year scientists amass more data about how the climate has already changed. And, as many people battered in Florida this week by Hurricane Michael will attest, it is changing faster than anyone foresaw even two decades ago. This new knowledge, together with improved understanding of the complex climate system, makes projections like those the IPCC has compiled more compelling. Uncertainties remain; individual research contained within the report may yet be challenged. But instudy after study, page after page, fact after fact, the evidence for anthropogenic climate change, long clear, is harder than ever to ignore.


The report’s message is also beyond doubt: the extra half a degree makes a big difference. Arctic summers could beice-free once a decade in a two-degree world, but once a century in a one-and-a-half-degree one. Virtually all the ocean’s coral might be irreversibly wiped out in a two-degree world, rather than 70-90% if temperatures rise by less. Sea levels may rise an extra 10cm, washing away the livelihoods of millions more people. Permitting arise of two degrees could also see an extra 420m people exposed to record heat. The 2°C target has been baked into climate policy for years—the number was first put forward by William Nordhaus, who shared the Nobel economics prizethis week. It is too lax.


Hitting either target would entail transforming economies at a breakneck pace. To achieve 1.5°C, the world would by 2050 need to eliminate all 42bn tonnes of carbon-dioxide in annual emissions. Renewables, including hydropower, would have at least to treble their share of electricity generation from today’s 25%. Internal-combustion engines, which power 499 out of 500 cars on the road today, would have to all but vanish. Progress is being made. The number of electric cars on the road is rising fast; green finance is gathering momentum; zero-carbon technologies are being developed. But the scale of the effort required is unprecedented.


That is why reaction to the IPCC’s report matters. Some European Union environment ministers want to adopt 1.5°Cas a guide to policy before a UN summit in Poland in December. Their Australian counterpart called it “irresponsible” to phase out coal by 2050. Donald Trump, who plans to withdraw America from the Paris deal, has not read it. A mix of alarm and apathy has both galvanised efforts to secure a 2°C future, and also bedevilled them. A target of 1.5°C is no more likely to be met, but may nonetheless encourage the world to try harder.



1.  apathy the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything 漠不关心

2.  disruptive  causing problems, noise, etc. so that sth cannot continue normally 破坏性

3.  muster to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can 收集 聚集

4.  elicit  to get information or a reaction from sb, often with difficulty 引起

5.  meticulous If youdescribe someone as meticulous, you mean that they do things verycarefully and with great attention to detail  一丝不苟的

6.  attest  to show or prove that sth is true 证明

7.  anthropogenic of or relating to the study of the origins anddevelopment of human beings Synonym 人为的

8.  irreversibly If a change is irreversible, things cannot be changed back to the way they were before 不可逆的

9.  wipe out To wipe out something such as a place or a group of people or animals means to destroy them completely 摧毁 消失

10. entail to involve sth that cannot be avoided 需要 牵涉

11.  all but 几乎

12.  counterpart  a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/sth else in a different place or situation 相同的人或物

13.  galvanise  to stimulate to action 激起

14.  bedevil  be confusing or perplexing to 困惑 困扰



