Day11 :
Palaeontology /paleontology 古生物学(注意有两种拼法)
Get going 开始 出发 着手;行动起来,开始工作
Get rolling,get started,get weaving , get moving, hit the ground and running
Eg: In each case, you need a ton of notion to get going, and to stay on track.
Stromatolites 叠层石(原核生物所建造的有机沉淀结构)
Mounds 土堆/丘
Swathe 一长条,一长片
Basalt 玄武岩
Outcrop 路出地面的岩层/石
Jasper 碧玉(红,黄,棕色)
Nodules 结节,小瘤(tubercle)
Micron 微米(百万分之一米)
Sit Up 做起来,坐直身;吃惊,感兴趣(很生动且具画面感的一个词)
Eg:This is a figure that would make even China sit up and pay attention.
Rosette 花结,玫瑰花形
Conclusive 决定性的
Haematite 赤铁矿
Iron oxide 氧化铁
Filament 细丝,细线
Corkscrew 螺旋形的
Hydrothemal 热水的,热液的
Vent 排气道,通风孔
Crenellated 锯齿状的,有堆叠的
Tectonic plates 构造版块
Mineral- laden 充满矿物质的
Microbe 微生物
Gradient 生理梯度,斜坡,坡度
Energy gradient 能量变化率,能鲁梯度
Strike 意外发现
Well up 涌出,萌发,流露
Eg: I saw her eyes well up with tears.
One-off 一次性事件,单一例子,特殊的东西
1/ The date of life’s debut may be pushed back even further.
2/ The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents-towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates,wheresuperheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.
3/Such a finding is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen asa plausible candidatefor thecradle of life.
4/The finding-- which willface fierce scrutinyfrom other palaeobiologists--has other implications,too.
5/ One of the biggest question in science is whether life isan inevitable and common consequence of the laws of chemistry,or a lucky one-offconfined toearth alone.
Day 12:
1.The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates, where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.
2.Such a find is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen as a plausible candidate for the cradle of life.
3.Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the suggestion that hydrothermal vents have played host to life for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.

Day 13:
a 神句翻译及校正注解
1.The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates, where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.
vs: 该团队认为, 这些和生活在深海热泉的细菌群落极为相似----深海热泉指的是: 深海中构造板块交界边缘上方高耸锯齿型的部分,富含矿物质的水从海底喷涌而出。
批注:1/这个句子的翻译着实费了一番功夫,查了点资料,但还是被绕晕了。主体仍然是深海热泉细菌菌落,怎么换了一个network of bacteria 就走字面意思了?句子还是没有吃透。2/并非“偶然类似”又是什么鬼?今天再读昨天的译文才发现讲不通,有疑惑。
Passing resemblance里的passing指及格线,more than passing resemblance 就指远远超过及格线,不是一般的相似,而是非常相似。
这句句子结构相当复杂,从句套从句,还是提醒大家牢记就近原则,但是最后一个where打头的从句,前面一个逗号与破折号之间的部分是修饰hydrothermal vents的插入语,所以where修饰的也是hydrothermal vents。大家可以再仔细体会一下。
2.Such a find is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen as a plausible candidate for the cradle of life.
Plausible:有两种意思,一个偏褒义,另一个偏贬义,此处指appearing worthy of belief:eg. the argument was both powerful and plausible褒义
3.Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the suggestion that hydrothermal vents have played host to life for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.
b 反思总结:
2/ 文章的几个线索没有抓住跟进,前因后果没有很好地理顺串联。比如说sitromatolites(时间是3.7billion;且由光合作用生物产生),P博士发现的石头(时间推到3.8-4.3billion,且物种是深海热泉菌落),以及深海热泉(正是因为P博士发现的生物物种与以往不同,才会讨论解释深海热泉物种菌落)。
3/ 长难句翻译会钻牛角尖,译文太过重视字面意思,隔天自己都看不懂。应该在彻底理解文本的基础上,脱离语言的外壳,把作者要传达的意思翻译出来。
4/ 科普类文章特别是探究物种起源,有关生命诞生,读完有一种渺小感。大自然果然是充满神奇与惊喜,连深海热泉这么极端的环境下都会有物种生存。文章结束还开了脑洞,是呀,地球不是意外的话,浩瀚宇宙中一定还有其他物种,其他文明。