耽*美 | 他的剑 英文版

耽*美 | 他的剑 英文版

作者: 年年underage | 来源:发表于2023-01-20 01:19 被阅读0次

Men of the world


【00:18 音效:小跑步】

retainer:(hurry)My young master!Someone is outside!

Yulin:Who is he?Let me see.

【00:35 音效】

{少主坐在木椅上,门客急切地推着他走,木椅划过地面发出哧哧哧哧的声音} {门客走路急切的凌乱的碎步声} {门童开门声}

Yulin:Who are you?What for?

ChengLi:My name is ChengLi.I come here for you.

Yulin:Do you know who am i?

ChengLi:I no need to figure out who you are as you are the only one here.

Yulin:What will you do?

ChengLi:Show you the rest of the world.

Yulin:I am the cityman,where it is ,where i am.

ChengLi:You do not tell me the truth.

Yulin:Taking me by your name.

ChengLi:If you do not leave,then you will be killed by someone else.

Yulin:No one accompany with me these years.Nothing could draw my attention.On the other words,i do not have enemies.

ChengLi:Once again,wont you go with me?


ChengLi:Well,then,sorry for that,i will stay with you.

retainer:My young master,look at him!Its rude for him to break into our manor and stay on here!

Yulin:No one but a swordman who do not show his face.

ChengLi:(stop)Not necessary.Whoever see me,will be killed by me.Do not show me your curiosity.





Yulin:Why do you come to my bedroom?

ChengLi:To protect you.

Yulin:If someone do wanna kill me,i wont live till now.

ChengLi:Wherever you go,wherever i go.

CHengLi:Whats wrong with your legs?

Yulin:Are you hungry?Do you prefer osmanthus cakes or poria cakes?Call a servitor.

CHengLi:If you wanna keep it a secret,i will not ask you any more.

Yulin:Have you ever thought of being killed by my servitors?

ChengLi:I believe in myself.

Yulin:You have no idea of who am i.

ChengLi:Well,yes,i havent met you before.But the only thing that i know is you are the one who own the manor.

Yulin:Someone wanna rob my manor.

ChengLi:Thats why im here.

Yulin:Why you wanna protect me?

ChengLi:Because you are what you are.

Yulin:If im not the owner of the manor,will you help me?

ChengLi:Is that what you are looking for?

Yulin:I hope not.Whoever has the intimate relationship with me,will not be happy.

ChengLi:For some people,entering into the manor means happyness.

Yulin:He s weird.He will not get anything.

ChengLi:Nothing.Just follow my heart.

Yulin:Leave me alone,i can deal with it myself.

ChengLi:Beat me down,otherwise i will stay with you.

Yulin:As you wish.




ChengLi:Be careful!


ChengLi:I will send you out in safe.

Yulin:Take good care of yourself!

ChengLi:Can you move?

ChengLi:Hook my neck.


ChengLi:Come on!

Yulin:【OS】It may be a mistake that i have a feeling on him.He reminds me of an old friend.


ChengLi:Hug me tightly.

Yulin:Yep.As tight as i can.




ChengLi:We are safe now.Are you ...ok?

Yulin:I cant sit without my wood chair.

ChengLi:Sorry for that,i was——

Yulin:You are injured!

ChengLi:Its nothing.

Yulin:You are injured!!

ChengLi:Its not a big deal.

Yulin:Its me that induced your wound.

ChengLi:Its none of your business.

Yulin:You should not come to me!

ChengLi:I come here to make sure you can enjoy the lovely luna forever.

Yulin:We are not in an intimate relationship,why you still protect me with every effort?

ChengLi:Because you are who you are.

Yulin:You are silly!

ChengLi:Yes,you are right,im stupid enough to give up my life.

Yulin:You......take me to Jasper Lake,its worm there......

ChengLi:Okay,after you.



Yulin:You can do it with me.


Yulin:Help me with my clothes.I cant deal with them myself.



Yulin:Dealing with your wound.

ChengLi:I will do it later.

Yulin:Its a common sense that if you do not clean your wound immediately,it will get worse.

ChengLi:Me also?

Yulin:Ah,yeah,some of my retainers.


Yulin:I will help you in return.



ChengLi:You did the same thing for the others?

Yulin:No one but you.

ChengLi:Dont move!

Yulin: Taking off your cloth and bathing yourself.



ChengLi:So,can you tell me how did you hurt your legs.

Yulin:As a wealthy and young man of the manor,i am in the most want list.

ChengLi:The Cult did that.

Yulin:They are not the only ones.

Yulin:Im addicated to your body.

ChengLi:My body only?

Yulin:Could i own your true love?

ChengLi:Im silly,so it is with you.

Yulin:What a match!

Yulin:Its too late to go to bed.

ChengLi:Be brave!

Yulin:You even do not show me your face,how could i believe in you.

ChengLi:You do love me,but you do not trust yourself.

Yulin:Lets go.




retainer:My young master!What a hell!There are a great deal of people gathering outside!

Yulin:Here they are.

ChengLi:There comes the Cult?

Yulin:All of them.


Yin-Yang :Havent seen you for more than 10ys,Yulin.

Yulin:You are ages,Yin-Yang hierarch.You visited me 3days ago,dont you remember?

Yin—Yang:Every men of the world wanna kill you,its not our turns.

Yulin:Hm,you are exposed.

Cult:Watch yourself!We have hundreds of thousands of forces than you have,you are done!

Yulin:One can be killed but not humiliated!You will never get 《Lotus Scripture》!

Shaolin Temple:Everyone knows who owns《Lotus Scripture》,who owns the whole world!What a pity you are disabled!Let us do the good things for commons instead!

ChengLi:He belongs to me right now,i will do my best to protect him!

Emei sect:You ask for that!


Cult:Its the Solar Sword!You are the best Swordman——er.

ChengLi:No one can survive if he comes to me.

Shaolin Temple:We are hundred-fold thousand-fold of you,you give!

ChengLi:As long as i alive,i will do every effort to protect the manor.

Emei sect:Cats hide their claws!Mr.Yu,he dose not deserve your trust.

Yulin:If he likes it,i will give it to him,and whats more,i could even give him myself.

Emei sect:You guys——


Yulin:Its You!Brother Wooden Knocker!

Shaolin Temple:Its not the time to show affection in public!Watch me!


Yulin:Be careful!


ChengLi:How can you move !?

Yulin:I’ll tell you later.

Yin-Yang:Mr.Yu,how could you——er.



ChengLi:Are you alright?

Yulin:I havent move my legs for such a long time.Its not a big deal,dont worry.

Yulin:You should have known how i got injured.


【05:55 回忆】{全程小混响}


Yulin:Who are you?

ChengLi:Im your brother.You are under my cover.

Yulin:Im old enough to protect myself.

ChengLi:Every men of the world is after your fathers 《Lotus Scripture》.There are so many enemies even beyond your imagination.You are too young to protect yourself.

Yulin:Im the son of the best Swordman,and i will be the best Swordman soon or later.



Yulin:I give! You are better than me always!

ChengLi:Im a handsome and smart guy and you are not.Heeee,you should not call yourself Yulin,but silly jack! Hahahaha!

Yulin:Im not stupid! I will become better and stronger in the nearby future! You get my words!

ChengLi:You,a little naughty boy! Im your brother Wooden Knocker then.Some other days, you ll feel me!

Yulin:Dont insult me! Here i am!


Yulin:Here comes the Cult,bro.

ChengLi:They hurted you!

Yulin:They killed my parents,and will do the same to you.

ChengLi:Whats wrong with your legs?If i leave,then no one will protect you.

Yulin:Please...go...as soon as possible....

ChengLi:I‘ll become the strongest person in case someone else may hurt you like this.

Yulin:Its good to have you.



ChengLi:You loved me twice,my dear.

Yulin:You are my spring,moisturized me.

Yulin:Do you wanna take me out still?

ChengLi:You are here.I will stay with you.

Yulin:I wanna tell you something.

ChengLi:Whats that?

Yulin:Do you wanna know where 《Lotus Scripture》 is?

ChengLi:If you wanna tell,you will tell.If not,i will help you keep your secret.

Yulin:Its not a big thing.《Lotus Scripture》 is right here!

ChengLi:You mean Jasper Lake?

Yulin:Yeap.My parents left it to me.I know nothing about it but a bland stone.

ChengLi:And then?

Yulin:Well,some other day,i found it could melt into Jasper Lake,with which i can be recovered from any kind of injuries.

ChengLi :Recorvered from whatever?

Yulin : Yeap.

ChengLi :(smile)I have a good idea.

Yulin :You are——


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    本文标题:耽*美 | 他的剑 英文版
