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词根grat来源于拉丁形容词gratus "pleasing", From PIE root *gwere-(2) "favor",常见变体形式为grac.
grateful [ˈɡreɪtfl] adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的
■拆: grat(thankful)+e+ful(adj: full of) -> full of thankful -> 令人快意的; 可喜的
congratulate [kənˈɡrætʃuleɪt] vt. 祝贺;恭喜;庆贺
■拆: con(com: together)+grat(pleasing)+ul+ate(to cause) -> to cause sth pleasing oneself together with sb else -> 祝贺
gratitude [ˈɡrætɪtuːd] n. 感谢(的心情);感激
■拆: grat(thankful)+i+tude(the state or quality) -> 感谢; 感激
gratify [ˈɡrætɪfaɪ] vt. 使满足;使满意,使高兴
■拆: grat(pleasing)+i+fy(to cause) -> 使...感到高兴
gratification [ˌɡrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 满意;喜悦;使人满意之事
ingrate [ɪn'ɡret] n. 忘恩负义的人 adj. 忘恩负义的,不知感恩的
■拆: in(not)+grat(thankful感激的) -> not thankful -> 忘恩负义的
ingratiate [ɪnˈɡreɪʃieɪt] vt. 使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎
■拆: in(into)+grat(pleasing)+i+ate(to make) -> to make oneself into pleasing others使自己被别人喜欢 -> 巴结; 讨好
ingratiating [ɪnˈɡreɪʃieɪtɪŋ] adj. 逢迎的,讨好的;迷人的,吸引人的
gratuity [ɡrəˈtuːəti] n. 赏钱,小费;赠物;[劳经] 退职金
■拆: grat(pleasing)+u+ity(n: thing) ->sth pleasing the recipient 使收受者高兴的东西 ->赏金;小费
gratuitous [ɡrəˈtuːɪtəs] adj. 无理由的,无端的;免费的
gratis [ˈɡrætɪs,ˈɡreɪtɪs] adv. 免费地,无偿地 adj. 免费的,无偿的
■拆: 来自拉丁语形容词gratis -> pleasing 令人高兴的 -> grat+is -> 后用于形容免费的, 无偿的
grace [ɡreɪs] n. 优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲 vt. 使优美
■拆: grac(pleasing)+e ->pleasing behavior 使人快意的行为
graceful [ˈɡreɪsfl] adj. 优雅的;优美的
graceless [ˈɡreɪsləs] adj. 粗野的;不知礼的;不知耻的
gracious [ˈɡreɪʃəs] adj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的 int. 天哪;哎呀
壹 句
After all, when you can't talk with one another, you can't understand one another.