2022-08-31 You Are Quick to Crit

2022-08-31 You Are Quick to Crit

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-08-31 09:51 被阅读0次

Whenever somebody offers a different opinion, instead of appreciating the diversity, you are eager to judge.

With judgment comes the feeling of inferiority.

We criticise because we feel less than others. It is how we justify snarky comments or sarcasm.

Here is the thing with criticism: it screws up your life.

When you judge, the ego takes charge. Especially at the beginning of your awakening journey, the mind would like you to remain in the old identity. The ego despises changes.

Judgment clouds your vision. Whenever you focus on the choices and opinions of others, you lack the clarity to evaluate your feelings.

When you cannot tune into your emotions, it is impossible to navigate your life.

Not everything is black or white. Not every event requires your response or comment.

Your only focus should be on your intentions and goals. When you don’t get sidetracked by the behaviour of others, you have unlimited resources of energy and attention to invest in your growth.



      本文标题:2022-08-31 You Are Quick to Crit
