Kando(桌面饼图菜单) v1.3.0 绿色版

Kando(桌面饼图菜单) v1.3.0 绿色版

作者: 小虾米的互联网江湖 | 来源:发表于2024-09-04 17:22 被阅读0次


Kando 是一款创新的跨平台桌面饼图菜单工具,它提供了一种非传统、快速且高效的与计算机互动的方式。通过Kando,用户可以启动应用程序、模拟键盘快捷键、打开文件等操作。Kando的设计兼容鼠标、触控笔或触摸输入,旨在提升用户的操作效率和体验。



Kando 是一款适用于桌面的跨平台饼状菜单。它提供了一种非传统、快速、高效且有趣的与计算机交互的方式!您可以使用 Kando 来启动应用程序、模拟键盘快捷键、打开文件等等。

Kando 的精髓在于哪多级的饼状菜单,从一个饼中指向另外一个饼,实现功能,效果拉满。至于是不是快捷,不重要。

Kando 设计用于与鼠标、手写笔或触摸输入一起使用。如果你大部分时间都双手敲击键盘,Kando 可能不适合你。



Kando 1.3.0

Release Date: 2024-08-26
🎉 Added

Menu Themes! You can now change the appearance of your menus by selecting a theme in the menu editor. There is a guide available which explains how to create your own themes! In the future, we will have a theme store where you can share your themes with others. For now, you can share your themes in the Kando Discord server.
There are currently four initial themes available: "Default", "Clean Circle", "Neon Lights", and "Rainbow Labels". The two latter themes are somewhat experimental and may change in the future. If you create a cool theme, we can consider adding it to the default themes!
For each theme you can specify some colors, like the background color or the text color.
Kando is aware of system color mode (light or dark) and you can select different colors and / or themes for each mode.
Initial Keyboard Based Menu Navigation! Thanks to @Frenzie, it is now possible to select menu items using keyboard shortcuts. This a somewhat "hidden feature" as the individual shortcuts are not displayed anywhere. It works like this: The topmost item can be activated using 1, the next clockwise item with 2, and so on. With 0 you can go back to the parent menu or close the menu if you are in the root menu. In the future, the shortcuts may become configurable.
Automatic Menu Radius Adjustment: The radius of the menu is now automatically adjusted based on the number of items in the menu. This is a feature which comes with the new theme engine. Each of the default themes uses this feature to make the menus look good even with many items.
Fast-Switching Menus: It is now possible to open a menu when another menu is already open. In this case, the old menu will be replaced by the new one. This is useful if you hit the wrong shortcut by accident.

🔧 Changed

The text in the center item is now updated asynchronously. This may reduce occasional frame drops as the update causes a forced reflow of the menu layout.
Improved the gesture detection algorithm slightly. Mouse gestures should be recognized more reliably especially with very quick movements.
The menu is now hidden when the right mouse button is pressed (instead of when it is released). This makes closing the menu more responsive.
The default Windows menu now uses start %USERPROFILE% instead of explorer %USERPROFILE% to avoid a notification due to wrong exit codes of explorer.
The "Debugging" tab in the sidebar is now called "Development".
The icons in the icon picker are not cropped to a circle anymore. This is not useful anymore since the menu themes can decide not to use circular icons.
The Cantarell font which was used in several places in the menu editor has been replaced with Noto Sans. Also, some places which used the Neucha font now use Noto Sans as well. This should make some labels easier to read.

🔥 Removed

The breadcrumbs showing the path to the currently edited menu in the menu editor. This was not very useful and looked out of place.

🐛 Fixed

A bug which caused Kando to crash when opening a menu on Linux/X11 where XResourceManagerString returns NULL.
A bug which prevented some Electron-based applications to start properly when launched from Kando on Linux. See #552 for details.
A bug which allowed selecting items with the right mouse button in marking or turbo mode.
A bug which allowed locked items to be dragged to the trash or templates tab in the menu editor.

Kando(桌面饼图菜单) v1.3.0 绿色版 (2243)


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      本文标题:Kando(桌面饼图菜单) v1.3.0 绿色版
