
作者: 慕读 | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 04:57 被阅读456次


    From nzherald






























    酒精会改变我们的睡眠结构周期。当我们的身体全力以赴地分解酒精时,睡眠的“快速眼动睡眠期”就会被缩短。(百度:人们正常的睡眠结构周期分两个时相:“非快速眼动睡眠期”和“快速眼动睡眠期”。两者交替出现,交替一次称为一个睡眠周期,两种循环往复,每夜通常有 4~5个睡眠周期,每个周期90~110分钟。)缺失的时间被记到账上,一旦酒精被分解完毕,我们的大脑就开始集中补时了。其后果是,“快速眼动睡眠期”占了主导地位,导致神经系统异常活动,引发上述各种问题。













    原文:Busting the bed-time myths

    Dr Karyn O'Keeffe, PhD, is a Research Fellow at the Sleep/Wake Research Centre, Massey University. She began her career as a clinical sleep physiologist and transitioned in research and lecturing on sleep and circadian science. Her research interests include managing fatigue in healthcare professionals, treatment provision for sleep disorders, and improving sleep health for the general population.

    Myth 1 - You don't really need eight hours' sleep a night

    Most of us know someone who claims that they can get away with very little sleep.

    However, these claims are not backed up by science.

    Studies show that compared to individuals who get eight hours' sleep, those who get less than seven hours' sleep a night have slower reaction times, are unco-ordinated, are less creative, make poorer decisions, have poor moods and don't get on as well with others.

    Research also shows that we are not aware of our own level of impairment.

    In the long term, short sleep can lead to health problems.

    Those who get less than six hours' sleep a night have a higher risk of putting on weight, developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and suffering a stroke.

    Fortunately, our national surveys of New Zealanders have shown that most of us do get between seven to nine hours' sleep on average.

    Concerning, though, is that about a quarter of New Zealanders get six hours or less sleep each night.

    Myth 2 - You can catch up on lost sleep at the weekend

    Weekdays are full with work, family and social commitments, and sleep is often sacrificed.

    Many of us aim to catch up on any lost sleep at the weekend.

    However, research shows this is not as achievable as we think.

    Missing out on sleep during the week leads to a continual decline in functioning.

    Sleeping in on Saturday or Sunday leads to an improvement in this functioning, but we don't seem to return to the optimal levels we experience when we are getting seven to nine hours' sleep - even after two to three days of catch-up at the weekend.

    Depending on how short we have been cutting our sleep, this can mean we start the next week with a sleep debt - and arrive at work behind the eight ball.

    Myth 3 - Blasting cold air in your face will keep you awake if you're feeling sleepy while driving

    There are plenty of strategies that we try to keep ourselves awake when driving.

    These might include turning up the radio or blasting cold air in our faces. What we know is that these strategies work in the short term, but are not an effective way to keep yourself awake if you're feeling really sleepy.

    The golden rule is, if you are too sleepy you will fall asleep uncontrollably. So the best strategy is to start your trip in the best possible position.

    Get a full night's sleep before you go, drive during daylight hours to be most alert, and stop and take regular breaks.

    If you are feeling drowsy while driving home from work, consider a short 20- to 40-minute nap before you head home and drink a cup of coffee 15 to 30 minutes before you leave to give yourself a brief caffeine kick. If sleepiness becomes overwhelming, stop as soon as you can and take a nap, or find another way to get where you're going.

    Myth 4 - Waking up during the night means you're not getting good quality sleep

    There is definitely a myth that waking up during the night means that your sleep is abnormally broken.

    In fact, it is quite normal to wake overnight.

    Historically, individuals would experience a longer sleep period following the natural day and night cycle, with a two-to-three hour period of wakefulness in the middle of the night between two sleep periods, without any impairment.

    Importantly, people still obtained approximately eight hours' sleep in total each night.

    In today's society, it is quite normal to wake one to three times overnight, roll over and go back to sleep.

    Waking more frequently than this may mean there is something in your sleeping environment that is causing you to wake, or you may have a medical issue that is disrupting your sleep.

    If you suspect the latter, have a chat with your GP.

    Myth 5 - Older people need less sleep

    Our sleep changes substantially across the lifespan.

    As any parent will know, young infants need much more sleep than adults and have a mind of their own when it comes to a sleep routine.

    As we progress through childhood, adolescence and adulthood, our sleep structure and timing continues to change.

    The most dramatic changes are seen between birth and the end of adolescence.

    While the sleep of older adults may be more broken and the structure of their sleep slightly different to younger adults, in general older adults still need seven to nine hours' sleep a night to function at their best.

    Curiously, although older adults show clear impairment when they don't get enough sleep, they appear to be slightly more resilient to sleep loss than younger adults.

    Myth 6 - The sleep habits of teenagers are the result of laziness

    It is no secret that teenagers like to go to bed late and sleep in as much as they can each morning.

    These habits are often attributed to laziness, but are actually a result of biological changes in the way the circadian body clock functions in teenagers.

    In adolescence, our internal body clock shifts later relative to the natural day and night cycle, resulting in a biological preference for later bed and wake times.

    The practicalities of this mean that teenagers are unable to fall asleep when they want to and find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

    This, combined with increasing independence, social activity and school demands, can lead to short sleep on school nights.

    Approximately 21 per cent of New Zealand teenagers do not get enough sleep - about eight or nine hours each night, compared with their biological sleep need, which is approximately nine to 10 hours.

    Our studies on New Zealand teenagers have also highlighted that there is a large discrepancy between bed times on school nights (10.30pm) and weekends (midnight).

    In the short term, insufficient sleep in teenagers leads to poor academic performance - poor memory, information processing and attention span - poor mood, and increased risky behaviour.

    In the long term, it may lead to increased weight and cholesterol, as well as behavioural sleep habits that continue into adulthood.

    Myth 7 - We don't know anything about the functions of sleep

    It may be easier to justify cutting sleep short when it doesn't appear to have any particular function.

    Many of us will have heard that it is more putting the body and brain into hibernation mode so that we can "rest".

    This view is now quite outdated.

    The brain is very active during sleep, and some parts of the brain more so than during wakefulness.

    Experimental and large population studies have highlighted that sleep is crucial for good health and optimal functioning.

    Some processes are unique to sleep and cannot happen at any other time.

    For example, connections between neurons are strengthened during sleep.

    We consolidate memories and optimise our capacity for learning during sleep, and our brain is flushed of harmful proteins that can lead to long-term damage.

    Myth 8 - Drinking alcohol in the evening will help you sleep

    Alcohol certainly helps us get off to sleep easily but is ultimately harmful to our sleep.

    Any of us who have overindulged in alcohol will recall sleeping like a log in the first portion of the night, but then experiencing a fitful night of frequent awakenings, racing heartbeats, stomach upsets and, potentially, bad dreams.

    Alcohol changes the structure of our sleep, such that we have very little REM (rapid eye movement) sleep while we are processing alcohol.

    The downside to this is that we experience a "REM withdrawal" and once we have processed all alcohol, our sleep is predominantly made up of REM sleep.

    REM sleep is a sleep stage associated with variable sympathetic nervous system activity, which leads to broken sleep, as well as frequent changes in the body's processes such as heart rate and breathing.

    There's a simple rule when it comes to alcohol; the more we put in our body and the closer to bedtime we consume, the more it affects our sleep.

    Myth 9 - The early bird gets the worm

    Aside from the obvious metaphor about beating the pack, this might also be interpreted as giving you more opportunity to get things done and, therefore, succeed.

    However, in relation to sleep, this would only be true if the early bird also got enough sleep the previous night and the early bird is truly a natural early bird.

    It is important to note that cutting your sleep short by waking early does not give you an advantage.

    Natural early birds consistently go to bed and wake earlier, rather than setting the alarm to wake early, than the average person.

    However, there is no evidence that those who wake earlier function better than those who wake at more usual times.

    How can you work out your natural sleep need and timing?

    Choose a two-week holiday period, and sleep in an ideal environment without any alarms.

    You'll likely catch up on sleep in the first week.

    Your sleep habits in the second week are likely your natural sleep habits.

    Myth 10 - Using smartphones and tablets before bed has no effect on your sleep

    Using devices with bright light emitting screens before bed can make it hard to fall asleep when you want to and affect the quality of your sleep.

    Light in our external environment provides information for our circadian body clock about what time of day it is.

    Bright light reminds our body clock that it is daytime, which logically does not promote sleep.

    Unfortunately, the electronic devices that we are so fond of emit bright light that contains a significant proportion of blue wavelength light.

    Blue light happens to have a much stronger influence over our body clock and studies investigating the impact of blue light have shown that it has a profound effect on the timing of our sleep.

    Studies have shown that using bright light emitting e-readers for just 30 minutes in the two hours before bed can shift bed times approximately one hour later.

    Having a smartphone in the bedroom overnight can lead to additional disruption.

    Notifications from smartphones can wake you up and the bright light that we expose ourselves to while checking text messages and emails in the wee hours of the morning may lead to difficulty falling back to sleep and changes in our sleep structure.



