- (void)setupShapeFormationInVisibleCells
NSArray *indexpaths = [self indexPathsForVisibleRows];
NSUInteger totalVisibleCells =[indexpaths count];
CGFloat angle_gap = M_PI/(_totalCellsVisible+1); // find the angle difference after dividing the table into totalVisibleCells +1
//(self.frame.size.height - self.rowHeight*2.0f)/2.0f
CGFloat vRadius = (self.frame.size.height - self.rowHeight*2.0f)/2.0f;
CGFloat hRadius = (self.frame.size.width )/2.0f;
CGFloat radius = (vRadius < hRadius) ? vRadius : hRadius;
CGFloat xRadius = radius;
CGFloat firstCellAngle = [self getAngleForYOffset:self.contentOffset.y];
for( NSUInteger index =0; index < totalVisibleCells; index++ )
WJCircleTabCell *cell = (WJCircleTabCell*)[self cellForRowAtIndexPath:[ indexpaths objectAtIndex:index]];
CGRect frame = cell.frame;
//We can find the x Point by finding the Angle from the Ellipse Equation of finding y
// i.e. Y= vertical_radius * sin(t )
// t= asin(Y / vertical_radius) or asin = sin inverse
// CGFloat angle = (index +1)*angle_gap -( ( percentage_visible) * angle_gap);
CGFloat angle = firstCellAngle;
NSLog(@"angle = %f",angle);
firstCellAngle+= angle_gap;
if( _contentAlignment == WJCircleTableViewContentAlignmentLeft )
angle = angle + M_PI_2;
else {
angle -= M_PI_2;
//Apply Angle in X point of Ellipse equation
//i.e. X = horizontal_radius * cos( t )
//here horizontal_radius would be some percentage off the vertical radius. percentage is defined by HORIZONTAL_RADIUS_RATIO
//HORIZONTAL_RADIUS_RATIO of 1 is equal to circle
CGFloat x = xRadius * cosf(angle );
//Assuming, you have laid your tableview so that the entire frame is visible
//TO DISPLAY RIGHT: then to display the circle towards right move the cellX (var x here) by half the width towards the right
//TO DISPLAY LEFT : move the cellX by quarter the radius
//FEEL FREE to play with x to allign the circle as per your needs
if( _contentAlignment == WJCircleTableViewContentAlignmentLeft )
x = x + self.frame.size.width/2;// we have to shift the center of the circle toward the right
frame.origin.x = x - 60;
cell.deviation = x - 60;
NSLog(@"x = %f",x);
if( !isnan(x))
// frame.size.height = x/(self.frame.size.width/2) *60;
// frame.size.height = x/100 * 100;
cell.frame = frame;
// cell.alpha = x/(self.frame.size.width/2);