Flutter “跳转页面”(二)

Flutter “跳转页面”(二)

作者: 坑吭吭 | 来源:发表于2018-07-27 11:18 被阅读70次





Routes can return a value route们可以返回一个值

When a route is pushed to ask the user for a value, the value can be returned via the pop method's result parameter.
Methods that push a route return a Future. The Future resolves when the route is popped and the Future's value is the pop method's result parameter.
For example if we wanted to ask the user to press 'OK' to confirm an operation we could await the result of Navigator.push:


bool value = await Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute<bool>(
  builder: (BuildContext context) {
    return new Center(
      child: new GestureDetector(
        child: new Text('OK'),
        onTap: () { Navigator.pop(context, true); }


When a route is used to return a value, the route's type parameter must match the type of pop's result. That's why we've used MaterialPageRoute<bool> instead of MaterialPageRoute<void> or justMaterialPageRoute. (If you prefer to not specify the types, though, that's fine too.)


Popup routes “弹出route”

Routes don't have to obscure the entire screen. PopupRoutes cover the screen with a ModalRoute.barrierColor that can be only partially opaque to allow the current screen to show through. Popup routes are "modal" because they block input to the widgets below.
There are functions which create and show popup routes. For example: showDialog, showMenu, and showModalBottomSheet. These functions return their pushed route's Future as described above. Callers can await the returned value to take an action when the route is popped, or to discover the route's value.
There are also widgets which create popup routes, like PopupMenuButton and DropdownButton. These widgets create internal subclasses of PopupRoute and use the Navigator's push and pop methods to show and dismiss them.

Route并不一定非要跟屏幕一样大,弹窗可以用ModalRoute.barrierColor使部分当前屏幕不透明,用来显示内容。弹窗是一种“模态”窗口,因为他锁定了他下面的控件。这里有一些创建和显示弹窗的方法。比如: showDialog, showMenu, 和 showModalBottomSheet。这些方法的返回的Future和上面所说的是一样的。当这个弹窗出栈的时候,调用者可以通过await拿到这个返回值。
这里还有一些其他的方法来创建弹窗。比如:PopupMenuButton and DropdownButton。这些控件也通过Navigatorpushpop来控制显示消失。

Custom routes 自定义route

You can create your own subclass of one of the widget library route classes like PopupRoute, ModalRoute, or PageRoute, to control the animated transition employed to show the route, the color and behavior of the route's modal barrier, and other aspects of the route.
The PageRouteBuilder class makes it possible to define a custom route in terms of callbacks. Here's an example that rotates and fades its child when the route appears or disappears. This route does not obscure the entire screen because it specifies opaque: false, just as a popup route does.


Navigator.push(context, new PageRouteBuilder(
  opaque: false,
  pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, _, __) {
    return new Center(child: new Text('My PageRoute'));
  transitionsBuilder: (___, Animation<double> animation, ____, Widget child) {
    return new FadeTransition(
      opacity: animation,
      child: new RotationTransition(
        turns: new Tween<double>(begin: 0.5, end: 1.0).animate(animation),
        child: child,


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本文标题:Flutter “跳转页面”(二)
