
作者: Erin棋落 | 来源:发表于2018-09-13 18:12 被阅读126次

在充实和快乐中结束了为期三天的future mapping 课程,收获了很多好伙伴,充实富足。石森老师总是有一种很强的能量场,看见她,和她在一起就觉得浑身充满了力量,似乎能清晰的感受到能量的传递。


Future mapping 是从未来视角处理现在问题的一个工具,通过未来视角,让自己处于一个成功、幸福、喜悦也就是120%的幸福状态,通过你的潜意识去提醒你现在的自己做什么,有哪些是你存在的天赋资源而你自己没有意识到,哪些是你真正的课题,哪些又是真正课题衍生出来的课题。通过future mapping 为客户者提供问题解决方案,告诉客户如何更好的去解决自己的问题,并看到那些没有意识到的盲点,跳出原有的思维框架来解决问题。以未来视角解决问题,在很多书里都提到过,但是如何真的去实践,future mapping提供了一个具体可实施的路径。










Not only to learn knowledge, but also to increase vision

I finished the three-day future mapping course in full and happy, and gained a lot of good partners and enriched myself. Senei Shisen  has a strong energy field. when I was being with she,I feels full of power . It seems that she can clearly feel the transmission of energy.

A tool for solving problems from a future perspective

The Future mapping is a tool of  dealing with the problem now from Future perspective. Through the perspective of the Future, we are in a 120% happiness  state of successful,happiness and joy.    Through your subconscious mind to remind you of what you're doing now, what is your talent resources and you don't realize that what is your real topic, what is the real subject derived.Through future mapping, we can provide solutions to clients' problems, tell them how to solve their problems better, and see the blind spots that they do not realize, so we can jump out of the original thinking frame to solve problems. Solving problems from the perspective of future has been mentioned in many books, but future mapping provides a concrete and feasible path to practice.

I learned how to solve problems, how to give and bless others, how to help others solve problems, and how to take action. In order to help others to be happy, there is a new direction and more things I can do. As a person who has learned the FM, It must be a good coach.

Think wild, prophesy self - evident

Before learning FM, I never knew that there were so many possibilities in life, so I did not set limits on myself. When I wanted to write this part of the content, this sentence suddenly appeared which is speaked by wangxiao, and found that this is the interpretation of FM.

Start with a story. Sensei had a friend, an ordinary working-class woman, who had upgraded her economy class to business class because of problems flying. She was so happy that she went there. During the flight, she met the americans sitting next to her, who were not comfortable. They did not know the language with each other ,so she clap her hands on his backs for comfort .After getting off the flight ,she saw a luxury car,and wonder the car owener. The man said it was his, invited her to ride with him to dinner, and then proposed during the meal, saying he had never seen such kind girls.Asked her to marry him . The girl then joined the rich and powerful.

This is going on beyond imagination, but it makes perfect sense to think about it. If a girl doesn't show kindness and expect nothing in return, there won't be such unexpected gains. FM has three principles. The past is gone. From the perspective of the future to the present, draw the path of implementation; What do you want? Get out. Do not expect the return when you give out, because expectation is the heart gain and loss, is the interest relationship, is not to give.


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