NEOLAND 高玩分享 - 寂寞火山(部分译文)

NEOLAND 高玩分享 - 寂寞火山(部分译文)

作者: 白马少年说 | 来源:发表于2019-07-28 15:45 被阅读0次


The third Tips

It will be very tired in the later period, If you bulid and operate too many business buildings. Because as long as the business building is not the highest level, no one wants to work so that you must be work by yourself. In fact, not only is it really boring to work, but it is also very inconvenient to renovate and collect. Now, I need two or three hours on NEOLAND 1st Territory every day, just only one island.

However, I saw in the new rules of NEOLAND 2nd Territory, there are various designs for reducing the burden on landlords.I hope this problem can be solved this time. Otherwise, the landlord may not be able to manage several islands at the same time.


Island 2.0 gameplay has just been mentioned, and officials have revealed some new gameplay about NEOLAND 2nd Territory, Everyone is looking forward to these new changes.

Mr.Hanson, What do you think about the new rules in NEOLAND 2nd Territory?


Analysis of NEOLAND 2nd Territory

According to the official announcement, the changes in the rules of the 2nd territroy are very large.It's almost as if the underlying economic architecture has been redesigned.Time is limited, Let me take a few pieces of information that I think are important and analyze them.
It's almost a redesign of the underlying economic architecture

Change one: Parcel Amounts

The amount of parcel auctioned has been greatly reduced, The 900 parcels of neoland 1st territory were sold at one time, but 90 parcels have been sold in neoland 2nd territory this time , only one tenth of the original amount.

I think only 90 parcels is certainly not enough. In other words, after neoland 2nd territory opened, players must be buying lots of parcels from the system directly.

Then according to the official design, the more parcel is bought, the more expensive it is, So if you take the parcel which price below the average price during this auction, I personally think you might have made some money, because after neoland 2nd territory opened, you can sell it to other players cheaper than the system price, and then you can make a little money.

So during the neoland 2nd territory parcel auction, I bought a lot of common parcels which price is around 3.1 NEO and 3.2 NEO, I think that these common parcels will not lose money.


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      本文标题:NEOLAND 高玩分享 - 寂寞火山(部分译文)
